
By Lisa Baguley

As part of our Term 4 inquiry unit, “How are Rites of Passage celebrated?” The year 6’s have explored what a Rite of Passage signifies and how these can mark different milestones for different communities. In 6D, we transferred our understanding to our own Rite of Passage - Graduation. Together, we brainstormed what we would like to see, hear and feel at our graduation ceremony to mark the special milestone. 



As part of our preparation, we delved into speech writing during Literacy, where we analysed speeches for their content and public speaking skills. Through our analysis of various speeches, we built a bank of ideas that we wanted to transfer into our speech writing and presentation. Recently, we delivered our speeches to our peers and shared how our experiences at GWPS have helped shape who we are and how grateful we are for such a supportive and welcoming community we have here.



We also connected our Science based Inquiry unit on Light to design and create a decoration that could be used as part of our celebrations. Through our knowledge of reflective materials, we began making disco balls from foil, sequins and glass mirror tiles. 

Our final preparation involved collaboration with our peers, as we choreographed a music video for our graduation song ‘Count on Me.’ Through all of these experiences we have had the opportunity to use ‘Student Voice’ in helping to prepare for a graduation that we are proud to be a part of.



There has been so much excitement and anticipation amongst the cohort and as much as we are excited to enter a new phase, we are sad to be leaving. We believe that GWPS has had a positive impact on who we are and helped us to prepare for High School.

Here are some of 6D’s reflections of this important milestone and the journey we have gone through to mark this special occasion. 


A rite of passage is a celebration that comes once in your life, sometimes it can give you sadness but after you go through this rite of passage, you experience something new and feel the joy. - Anirudh 
Graduation is a rite of passage because it is something you look forward to, you move on from primary school to High School. - Kaya 
Rites of passage is an event that occurs usually only once in your lifetime that is treasured and memorable. This is to mark an upgrade in status for example in a graduation where one is transitioning from child to teenager. This mostly includes an act of ceremony that is carved with deep historical meaning. - Jaden 
I feel like the most significant part of graduation is the certificate which signifies the completion and moving on, but it is also important to recognise the celebration part because you get to spend the last few moments with your friends. - Athira 
Graduation is a time to come together and to celebrate the final year of primary school and knowing that high school is on the way makes this a whole new experience. We acknowledge everyone that has brought us here. It is knowing what you’ve done and that you are ready to transition to high school. - Jithya 
Graduation is about something that you have achieved and know that you have achieved. It is the goal of finishing primary school and moving on to the next phase. - Thiyaga 
A rite of passage is an important event which marks an important stage of your life. It could be as simple as being born, taking your first step or saying your first word, but for us it is graduating primary school. - Viraj 
Graduation is a very important milestone to acknowledge the 7 years we have done in primary school and shows that we have made a lot of progress. - Arnav 
Rites of passage is a ceremony which occurs when someone experiences a significant change in life, graduation is also one of the stages so make sure you deeply enjoy these last moments of school, for you may never turn back to this stage of life.  - Geo