Being Well at Magill
Student Action Teams at Magill School
At Magill School we are proud of our student voice. Each semester, two deserving students are elected to represent their class and join an action team. Each team focuses on a specific aspect of school life. The Student Action Teams also fundraise each term for good causes. Below is a report of what each team has been engaging in this year.
Sustainability Stars
With the help of Burnside Council, our Sustainability Stars have planted three native trees on our grounds this year. These trees provide habitats and food sources for our native wildlife. They have also been busy fundraising for bird and possum boxes. Enough money was raised for buddy classes to receive a box to decorate. Buddy classes needed to discuss how they might decorate their box, for example, sign their names on it, paint it etc. Keep an eye out for the boxes popping up around school.
Tech Heads
In semester one, Tech Heads helped to launch ‘Inside Magill’, an informative news program that reports what is happening at Magill School. This semester, our Tech Heads have been busy putting together a report of all of the technology on offer at Magill. It includes where to find equipment, how many in each set, how to go about borrowing them and what purpose they serve. The completed report will enable easy access for all classes.
One of the Yardies roles throughout the year is managing Magill School’s lost property. They have a very important message for you: LABEL EVERYTHING!! Yes, you heard them: EVERYTHING: hats, socks, jocks, shoes, bags, lunch containers, water bottles: EVERYTHING!!!
They have also raised funds for endangered animals: tigers at Adelaide Zoo and cheetahs at Monarto Zoo. This term the Yardies have been running lunch time activities on the Junior Primary oval. These take place every Tuesday and Friday lunch. Games include:
Elastics, Running races, Dance, Hurdles and Soccer. It is proving popular so well done Yardies.
Way To Go
Our Way to Go group have been very busy promoting the importance and health benefits of being active. This year they organised the Premier’s Be Active Challenge. The Premier’s be active Challenge is about encouraging students to be more active, more often. Participants are rewarded with medals if they complete at least 60 minutes of physical activity on at least 5 days per week for at least 4 weeks. All students recorded their physical activity in some way and have now been rewarded with their medals. We hope all students keep up being active to lead healthy lifestyles. The Way To Go fundraiser this year, was for Motor Neuron Disease. Children wore sporting clothing and brought a gold coin donation. This term they have planned a Scavenger Hunt for classes to participate in.
Wellbeing Warriors
The Warriors promote wellbeing at Magill school. They have organised school lunch music mash ups and a school bin sticker competition. Entries were numerous (over 200) and of a high standard. Overall, there are 34 winning entries which are on display in the resource centre for children to look at. Watch the bins over the next week and see the winning designs for yourselves. Finally, our fundraiser is Foodbank. A casual day is planned for Friday Week 8 so bring in a donation (Can or cash) and help people less fortunate than ourselves.
Bin Sticker Competition Winners
Congratulations to the following students whose designs will be seen around the school on our bins over the next week. The theme of the competition was ‘Clean School’ and ‘Happy/Safe School’. The winning entries were selected by members of the Wellbeing Warriors. It was a tough job due to the overwhelming number of entries! Thank you to everyone who had a go!
P12 | Imogen |
P13 | Esther, Marco |
P14 | Miranda, Heath, Ebony, Zara, Jentezen |
P15 | Mia, Olivia, Feya, Oliver, |
P17 | Elsa, Charlie |
M1 | Taira, Ying, Isla |
M3 | Ray |
M7 | Luca, Elizabeth, Kira, Charley, York, Zach, Crystal, Max, Holly, Sarah, Erika, Richard, Vasilia |
F9 | Braylon |
F12 | Jake |
F10 | Hannah |
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Beyond Blue: 1300 224 636
Lifeline: 13 11 14