Leadership Report
Where has the year gone?
Here we are at the end of Week 6 already! Only one more newsletter to write and the year will be over. We cannot believe how quickly the year is coming to a close and there is still so much to do. Students and teachers are busy finishing off projects and preparing for the long break. Teachers are busy putting the final touches to End of Year Reports. Leadership time is taken up with reviewing this year and planning for next year. We know that this is a busy time of year for families too, so it is important that we read notices carefully and write things down! Keep checking your class communication methods and the school Facebook page for updates on important dates and events which can easily be missed.
While this time of the year is exciting it brings about mixed feelings for many students. Some may be leaving us and moving on to new schools, feeling uncertain and possibly sad about their departure from a school which they know and friendships they have forged over their time here. The change to normal classroom routines can become unsettling for students as the predictability of their day becomes less certain.
The festive season also brings added family pressure with increased commitments to attend celebrations which can mean busy weekends and late nights full of gatherings and special events.
It's easy for families, both children and adults, to become tired and worn out as we feel the pressure to meet demands at school, work and home. It's important to be kind to ourselves and listen to our inner voice that is telling us when we need to rest and recover. It's okay to say 'no' to events that aren't essential or are just too much in an already hectic week. When we're tired we react differently to small irritations and minor incidents, which can shock and surprise others. Be mindful of how you are feeling and take a few minutes to reset yourself. A great way to do this is with 2 minutes of mindfulness. In just 2 minutes you can reset your emotions and give yourself a well deserved mini-break.
What can you do in 2 minutes? Here's a few ideas:
- Find a 2 minute mindfulness activity to listen to
- Use an app such as Smiling Mind to guide your mindful minutes
- Tense and release your muscles repeatedly, working from your toes to your shoulders
- Be observant - sit quietly and listen to the sounds around you
- Hug it out - find a willing huggee and squeeze it out
- Run or Walk - move your body
- Think grateful thoughts
How can you support your child? If you're noticing that your child is tired and irritable, showing signs that they are not managing the change in routine, take a moment to ask them how they are feeling and make a plan to support them. It could mean an earlier bedtime, a reduction in outside of school commitments or a lazy Saturday or Sunday in pyjamas. There are many ways in which you can enjoy some quiet time and help manage the busy and demanding festive season that rolls around each year.
We look forward to finishing the year off with a bang and celebrating the achievements of students across our school.
Kasey Thorne
Assistant Principal