Wellbeing Officer

Friendships beyond Covid

I cannot describe the joy I have from seeing our students back at school. The laughter in the playground, excitement on their faces when they see a friend and the chatter as they share every detail about their weekend. For many, this transition back to school has been positive but there are some students that are re-learning to socialise and reconnect with their friends.


Children have missed many opportunities during the lockdowns, including the opportunity to build and practice social skills. For many school-aged children, returning to a classroom environment may seem challenging and overwhelming. Connecting with friends again can be challenging for children and focus area I will be addressing this term will be social cues. I am fortunate to have the support from our teachers, who are committed to the wellbeing of every student and I will be facilitating activities in the classrooms to support students as they re-engage with their peers once again.


We will focus on following key areas:

  • How to read cues and/or facial expressions of peers
  • How to initiate interactions and engage in play
  • How to respond to peers when given responses they do not like
  • How to use their voice to express their needs in healthy and productive ways

There are some excellent resources that caregivers can use to support their child’s social development at home. Below are several links that provide strategies that you implement at home.


Emerging Minds provides resources and training to health professionals and caregivers. There are some great strategies on their website and below is a link for parents to help support their child’s social development.



The Royal Children’s Hospital has a wealth of resources for families to support your child’s physical and emotional wellbeing. 



Kids helpline has been supporting children and their families for many years and their website provides resources to help support your child returning to normal after Covid.




The saying “It takes a village to raise a child” is true so please know that you are not alone and if your family is finding the return to school challenging do not hesitate to reach out to your child’s teacher or contact me directly.


Nicole Agius


Wellbeing Officer
