Peer Support Leaders - 2017

Hello and welcome to all of the new students and families attending Kew High School in 2017. 

My name is Rosemary Carter and I am the Kew High School Chaplain.  As the chaplain I am involved in a range of programs in the school including CONNECT and year 7 Peer Support.  Students are welcome to come and see me in room 105 to discuss any issue or concern.

Wednesday 30 January marked the first day of school for the year 7 students.  It was also the first day of the Peer Support program for 2017.  40 newly trained year 10 students also attended school with the year 7 students for their first day as Peer Support Leaders.  The Peer Support program is aimed at helping year seven students transition into high school life.  A wide range of topics are covered over the semester including: finding and keeping friends, getting organised and working through hassles.  Welcome to the new year 7 students and congratulations to the year 10 Peer Support Leaders for 2017.

The Second-hand Uniform and Book Shop has again been busy with the volunteers running a highly successful end of year sale.  A big thank you to all of the volunteers for donating their time for this huge undertaking. Despite a major change in the school to digital books in years 7 – 10 the sales have still been very successful.  A special thank you to Ruth Woolvern who has passed on the batten of second-hand shop coordinator to Helen Hendley. Ruth has done a magnificent job coordinating the shop and all its parent volunteers for many years.  However we won’t be saying good bye to Ruth as she will continue to be involved in the Chaplaincy Committee. If you are interested in purchasing items from the shop, our regular opening time is Tuesday 12:20pm – 1:10pm and two Monday evenings per term.  Watch the Compass Newsfeed for advertisements of these evening opening times and dates.  New volunteers are encouraged and welcome to join our team in the second-hand shop or by attending the Chaplaincy Committee meetings twice per term.  For information on volunteering or to find out how to sell your own uniforms and books through the shop, please see the school webpage


This year the Chaplain’s Assistance Fund has again aided many students and families with new and second-hand textbooks and uniforms.  We are very grateful for the support from the Rotary Club of Yarra Bend.  Without their generous support, the Chaplain’s Assistance Fund would be unable to continue to offer this assistance and support to Kew High School Students.


The Chaplaincy at Kew High School is supported by a Committee of parents, staff and community volunteers.  If you are interested in finding out more about the school chaplaincy you can access the school webpage or you contact the school chaplain


Rosemary Carter

School Chaplain