Wednesday the first of February marked the first day for the 2017 Year 7 students.
On this day, the students took part in activities that encouraged them to make new friends, get to know each other, get to know the school, and their teachers. The Year 10 Peer Support leaders lead small groups of Year 7 students in fun games and activities that encouraged them to collaborate with one another and assisted the transition to High School.
Students from 7C recorded memories and first impressions from their first day.
On my first day of school I remember being dropped off by my mum and dad and then being welcomed by all the teachers. From the moment I walked in, I could feel that this was the school for me. I felt this because of the warm and welcoming environment and seeing how happy everyone was. (George Mcmullen)
My first experience of high school was amazing. Everyone was friendly and kind, and it was easy to settle in. (Mia Brown)
On the first day of school, I was excited and nervous. I went outside for recess and found friends to play with. The first day of school was so fun. (Andrew Zahariadis)
On the first day I was very open minded about making new friends. I had lots of thoughts going through my head about keeping my things organised. When I walked through the gates, I was relieved when I saw my friends. That day I met some new people who I am now enjoying spending time with in the new classrooms. (Caledonia Lastdrager)
I was surprised at the large population of the school. (Cherise Kipleel)
I had an amazing experience on my first day at Kew High School. We were extremely well taken care of and I loved seeing what High School was like. I made lots of new friends and had a really fun day. (Skye Quirke)
On my first day of High School, I was very nervous because I hadn’t met a lot of people in my class but now I have made amazing friends. (Ella Coventry)
On my first day of school I was very nervous and excited to make new friends, learn new things, and do different subjects. In our first English class I remember writing a mini narrative about sounds and themes. (Christian Asvestas)