Debaters Association of Victoria (DAV)- Schools Contest is open for students of year 8 to year 11 to represent Kew High School in debates with schools in our region.
This year we have:
Four D grade teams (years 8 & 9)
One C grade team (year 10)
Two B grade teams (year 11)
Preparation for the first round starts early in Term one with the release of the first topic when a flurry of activity begins. Teams form, lively discussion takes place, debate tactics and strategies are discussed to be the most persuasive. Students attend co-curricular Debating Skills Workshops and have the opportunity to put these skills into practice in the DAV contest. Weekly lunch meetings are convened so the teams can gather, prepare and share insights in developing their persuasive speaking skills.
The results for round one were:
Year 11 B grade 1 win 1 loss
Year 10 C grade 1 loss
Year 8 &9 D grade 2 wins, 1 loss, 1 bye
Elaine Doyle
Public Speaking Coordinator