All students in our Health and PE (HAPE) classrooms have had a busy start to the year.
Our Year 7 students have made a great transition into high school by developing their team work skills by playing lots of different Minor Games in PE and learning about their character strengths in Health. The Year 8 and Year 9 students are both exploring the tactics and strategies involved with Strike/Fielding sports, with the Year 9s enjoying two sessions of Golf at the Freeway Golf Course. The Year 8s are exploring their own values and how these values affect their own lives in Health, with the Year 9s understanding more about risk-taking behaviour, in particular Binge Drinking.
Our Year 10 students delivered a cultural game in pairs, which enabled them to develop their leadership skills by helping their peers to play a new and different sport. They are about to embark on their Live Long, Life Long sessions, where they partake in recreation activities designed to promote the importance of staying healthy and active outside of schooling life.
Well done to all students for participating well during all activities in our HAPE classrooms.
Penelope Cleghorn
Health and PE Coordinator