Campus Principal Report

Acacia Campus

What an honour it has been taking up the role of Acacia Campus Principal during Head Start! Students and staff hit the ground running and I was so impressed with students’ engagement and work ethic- a real salute to the College 5P’s Student Learning Framework; Prepared, Productive, Persistent, Present and Proactive. What a terrific start after quite a long and difficult two years. 

It’s been so heart-warming to be greeted so kindly each day by students when I walk through the yard. Many have stopped to ask me about my new position while others have given a friendly smile and wave. What a beautiful place to spend my days! I feel very lucky. 

Although Head Start is at the end of the year, there has been no ‘wind down’ in sight! We have had year level assemblies, Year 12 Orientation Day, Transition Assistance Programs, Year 7 Orientation Day, Year 7-11 Presentation and Leadership Ceremony, STEM Girls Day, New Staff Induction Day, ‘No Limits’ Overnight Hike, High School Musical Rehearsals, End of Year Activities Day, STEM excursion, PE incursions and excursions and Staff Farewells. It’s been a very busy 3 weeks to say the least.

Week 18 Progress Reports and Semester Reports have recently gone ‘live’ on Compass. Please make sure you take the time to review your reports and do some reflection on your learning and school year. These reflections will help you to set yourself some goals for the 2022 school year and really make the most of your learning. 

I would like to acknowledge the work of both the teaching and education support staff, who have been outstanding in their commitment to the students of our College. Despite the challenges this year has brought, their unwavering focus on student wellbeing and learning has been admirable. 

I sincerely wish all our families a wonderful summer break. Thank you for all of your support this year, particularly as we navigated lockdowns, remote learning, changes in restrictions and school closures. Your patience and understanding have been comforting. 


Warm Regards, 

Natalie Fode

Acacia Campus Principal






Banksia Campus

Welcome to Banksia news for term 4 and what a different term it has been, for in spite of the past two years of lockdowns and on again off again remote teaching and learning, Banksia has returned quite quickly to its “new normal” with staff and students on site and working together and restrictions gradually easing.

With the easing of restrictions, we have been able to send off our year 12 graduating class with all the pomp and ceremony that they have been denied previously. It was a wonderful event and the students really got into the swing of things with a soiree following the main graduating ceremony.


Similarly, years 7-11 Graduation and Leadership Presentation Ceremony was held on campus last week and can be viewed digitally from our website for parents and friends who were unfortunately not able to attend. The event highlighted the breadth of our students’ academic abilities and their willingness to take up positions of responsibility within the campus and college communities.

Another event of note was developed and arranged by our VCAL students to celebrate cultural diversity with food. I had the privilege to attend this luncheon and was so impressed with the variety of dishes prepared and presented by the students. They highlighted the foods of 11 cultures from around the globe during this lunchtime event. During the year our VCAL students also prepared group landscaping projects which were unfortunately interrupted by our last lockdown. It is my hope that these projects will be taken up again next year and completed, as they will enhance the campus external environment and celebrate our diversity.


Across the campus over the last week prior to Headstart, which is the official start to the 2022 academic year, students in every year level have celebrated the end of their current year by either attending a fun day at “Bounce” or having “in house” celebrations with games and celebratory lunch. 

We have also welcomed our new 2022 year seven students into the Keysborough College Banksia community through orientation on December 7. Our transition staff, together with student helpers, made the day a really memorable one, where our new enrolees were made to feel welcome in their new school, meeting their new teachers and making new friends. 

Final bit of news, I will be taking long service leave for the whole of 2022 and in so doing, Banksia is welcoming back Richard Hastings as 2022 Campus Principal. I have worked closely with Richard for over 30 years at both Heatherhill Secondary College and Keysborough College and most recently in his role as campus principal of our Acacia campus. From this association over the years, I can say that Banksia is indeed in the best of hands. Richard is approachable and open to feedback from students, staff and the wider community and he is passionate about education and the role which he plays in creating success for our students.  I wish him and the Campus and College communities great success in 2022.

To you all, I wish you a very happy and safe holiday and a return to 2022 much better prospects of a more normal school year.


Patrick Boyd 

Banksia Campus Principal