There has been a flurry of activity behind the scenes as we prepare for the end of the year. I can hardly believe that we are halfway through another busy term. It has been a jam-packed term for students and staff, with Year 6 ‘Transition to Secondary’ experiences, Year 5 Leadership,  participation in the International Baccalaureate teacher training, as well as finalising assessment grades and report writing. Term 4 has been filled with rich learning experiences and I have been so proud to see students and teachers working towards their learning and teaching goals, achieving success in their target areas and being actively involved in College life.


Celebration of Learning - Two Stars and a Wish

Reflection is an essential component of developing metacognition. As students reflect on the learning process, they become more aware of themselves as learners and understand their learning process. Instead of a traditional parent-teacher interview, students have been asked to choose a piece of evidence to serve as an artifact to reflect their learning. Parents and community members are invited to celebrate the learning that has taken place throughout the year by viewing their child’s work and reflection. Each student will choose a work sample that best reflects their growth. Once an artifact is chosen, students complete an end of year reflection using the ‘Two Stars And A Wish’ strategy. ‘Two Stars and a Wish’ helps activate students and empower them as owners of their learning, and research suggests that self-regulation of learning leads to student performance improvement. Your child and their teacher will email you an invitation to visit their class virtual gallery on Google classroom. We hope you enjoy this wonderful learning communication with your family.

Junior School Leadership and Wellbeing 

It is known that wellbeing can be enhanced when students feel they have an authentic voice. The development of transferable social and emotional capabilities gained through the Junior School Leadership program enhances students’ ability to express themselves in relation to health, safety and wellbeing. As previously mentioned, the Student Voice Program (SVP) will be introduced to the Junior School in 2022. This involves leaders from Kindergarten to Year 4, where students work collaboratively with the Junior School Leadership Team to respond to student, school, local and global community needs. Student Voice Leaders(SVL) conduct many activities to raise money for College and House charities. Classes from Kindergarten to Year 4 hold regular class meetings to address items on their class agenda. Class meetings allow students to learn how to conduct meetings successfully as they experience the various roles such as time-keeper, minute taker and observer. Ideas and other issues raised during class are taken to the Student Voice Leadership meeting and shared with the Junior School Leadership team.


This week, the 2022 Junior School Leadership candidates did an outstanding job of presenting their leadership speeches to the college. I would like to congratulate students for stepping out of their comfort zone to apply for these important roles. 

I am thrilled to announce our 2022 Junior School Leadership Team:


Junior School Captain - Olivia  McLennan

Junior School Captain - Elliot Casson-Breen

Junior School Vice Captains - Jack Sheargold

Junior School Vice Captains - Annabel Lotz

Junior School Captain
Junior School Captain
Junior School Vice Captain
Junior School Captain
Junior School Captain
Junior School Vice Captain


Academic Prefect - Katelyn Miller

Arts Portfolio Prefect - Amelie Mota

Fellowship Portfolio Prefect - Ben Murray

Service Portfolio Prefect - Patrick Dunstan

Sport Portfolio Prefect -  Chase Burgess

Sustainability Portfolio Prefect - Urbi Otumbo

House Prefect for Blackwell - Harriet Brabin

House Prefect for Browning - Cody Bullock

House Prefect for Fox - Aleah Almator

House Prefect for Sheppard - Oliver Reynolds

House Prefect for Stanley - Liliana Evans

House Prefect for Willsher - Karma Mira

Academic Prefect
Arts Prefect
Fellowship Prefect
Service Prefect
Sports Prefect
Sustainability Prefect
Academic Prefect
Arts Prefect
Fellowship Prefect
Service Prefect
Sports Prefect
Sustainability Prefect
Blackwell House Prefect
Browning House Prefect
Fox House Prefect
Sheppard House Prefect
Stanley House Prefect
Willsher House Prefect
Blackwell House Prefect
Browning House Prefect
Fox House Prefect
Sheppard House Prefect
Stanley House Prefect
Willsher House Prefect

Year 6 Transition Experiences

To show our appreciation to our Year 6 students for joining us in 2021, we have developed a series of transition experiences. These opportunities are in addition to the existing orientation program and aim to provide extra support for our current students. 

Transition experiences include:

  • Primary Year Programme - Unit Of Inquiry (UOI). Led by Mrs Megan Green and K-12 teacher/ mentors. The teacher/ mentors are Mr Paul Humble, Mrs Kylie Chacon, Mrs Patricia Humble, Mr Ross Kennedy, Ms McAleer, Mrs Kylie Woodgate and Mrs Suzie Petts.
  • Introduction to Study Skills. A virtual workshop for students and parents developed and facilitated by Mr Luke Richardson.
  • Year 7 Survival Guide. Led by Mr Lachlan Grant and developed by Year 7 students.
  • Year 7 Art. Led by Mr Ross Kennedy.
  • STEM. Led by Mr Clinton Lough.

 Activities support students to;

  • Build organisational and study skills
  • Develop strong peer relationships
  • Enhance resilience and mindfulness
  • Build a sense of connectedness to the school community

We understand that moving from junior to secondary school is a big change and hope that our readiness approach ensures that our student’s transition is as smooth as possible.

I hope you have a wonderful fortnight of learning.


Upcoming events

Transition to Secondary Experiences - All of Term 4

Celebration of Learning - Week 7 and Week 8

Year 6 Primary Years Program Exhibition - Week 9

Year 6 Graduation Assembly/Luncheon - 1st December

Junior School Presentation Assembly -7th December






Kylie Chacon | Head of Junior School