Head of Campus

Celebration... it's time!
Celebration is in order after surviving what can only be described as yet another difficult pandemic affected year, and what better way to mark this milestone than to put on a show!
Our courageous, dedicated and resilient cast and crew of The Little Shop of Horrors have pushed through bringing joy, hilarity and camaraderie back into our community.
This talented and hard-working group of students not only spent months online rehearsing and learning lines and songs but has recently come together on weekends in order to develop the production into a sophisticated and witty theatre performance. All those involved are so grateful that restrictions have eased enough for us to bring our community this joyous and crazy comedy. We hope that everyone is able to come along, grab a drink, sit down and enjoy this wonderful show.
Exhibitions, excursions, exams, fairs, performances, incursions, festivals and presentations have marked the end of the academic year for many MYP and DP subjects, all leading to their own form of celebration; Year 11 explored the wonders of the State Library in readiness for their Extended Essay, Year 8 Language and Literature put on a Zine Fair, Year 9 PE went ice skating, Years 7 & 8 hosted a Science exhibition, Year 9 Arts created a B-grade sci-fi film festival, while Year 10 moved into the Diploma Early Commencement Program. Each year level has explored and broadened their skills, knowledge and experiences over the last few weeks, completing the year with celebration and positivity.
While our Year 10 cohort officially finishes the year on Friday 3 December, all students from Years 7 -10 are invited to attend the Funfields excursion next Monday 6 December. This day is dedicated to unadulterated fun! For all students and teachers attending Funfields, prepare to celebrate and enjoy the rides!
Tuesday 7 December concludes the 2021 year for all remaining students. A day of activities, performances and a smidge of cleaning has been planned. Students will need to make sure they take all their belongings home on Tuesday as lockers, lost property box, classrooms and buildings will be given a complete clean over the summer break.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank our wonderful community for your support and kindness over the past semester. Stepping into the role of Head of Campus of the senior school has been both challenging and extremely rewarding. I am so proud of our School, the incredible teachers, the amazing students, the ever-supportive administration staff, the hard-working maintenance team and the kind and inclusive families. This rare combination of humans results in a community full of empathy, compassion and care and is what fuels my drive to celebrate. Thank you.
I wish you all a wonderful break filled with celebration and gratitude. See you in 2022.
Karoline Kuti
Head of Campus