
Welcome back to week 7 of Term 4! The students have jumped straight back into their learning this term despite the cold and mostly miserable weather. I am so proud of the energy and enthusiasm that they bring to school each day. 


Last week in literacy, we read the book 'Midnight, the story of a light horse' written by Mark Greenwood and Frane Lessac as an introduction to understanding the importance of Remembrance Day. It was also an opportunity to reflect on the significance of the role of animals during times of war. We brainstormed many WOW words and similes to describe Midnight, and then the students created an acrostic poem using the word Midnight. The students were given the title 'The day my pet came to school during independent writing.' They continued the story and I was highly impressed by the writing that took place and the fantastic stories written by the students.  



Education in Faith 

This week in Education in Faith, we have been exploring the concept of being Stewards of God's creation.  We discussed the meaning of 'Stewardship', and we listened to the story of the creation. The students then commented on the connection between Stewardship and creation. During morning prayer, we reflected on the Catholic symbolism of fire and the candle. In response, the students drew a flame or candle and wrote their attributes as a Spirit-filled person and how their light fills the world.