Dear Parents of Year 8 and 9 students,


Our new East Campus Library needs your help!


In order to build a collection of age-appropriate fiction books in our library, we ask you to consider donating a novel from the attached list. 


Currently students can reserve books from the Main Campus Library and have them delivered to the East Campus for collection.  It would be great if we could build our own collection for students to borrow directly from their new campus.


Titles have been selected from reputable resource selection tools to ensure quality, high interest and appropriateness for the year levels. 


Lists include:

We ask that parents and carers consider generously purchasing one or more of these books and delivering them to the library at the Main Campus for cataloguing before they are put on the shelves at our new East Campus Library.


Thank you for considering this opportunity to contribute to the learning of all students and to leave a lasting legacy.


Michael Kan

Campus Principal