Classroom News & Student Awards

Classroom News

Junior Class - Mrs Creek

Our class shared story is called, ‘Bella Has Lost Her Moo’. The farmyard scene starts with Bella trying to say hello to all her friends; cat, dog and horse. Unfortunately, she can’t find her voice. All the animals try, but alas, no success happens until they make a stew with all of their voices. Hooray! Bella finds her moo! Mathematics teaching has involved consolidating our learning concepts of addition and subtraction. Foundations are continuing to ‘count on’ when adding numbers. Whilst Year 1 students have been using the number line and one hundred chart, to locate the nearest ten, and to learn to ‘count on’ or ‘count back’ to solve equation work.

Middle Class - Miss Williams

This week the Middles have had a very topsy turvy week and I commend them all on their ability to adapt and keep working. With many students away at different times we have had to go over multiple areas again and try to keep everyone up to date with what we are doing. In Reading we have been working on finding images that support and provide further information to what we have been reading. We have been focusing on a book called ‘Longest, Tallest, Heaviest.’ It compares dinosaurs to living animals that we know. We have found lots of interesting facts from it! In Writing we have been working on creating our own information reports. We have selected topics and then wondered about the topic to create questions. From our questions we have found the answer and have used this as our information for our reports. In maths we are continuing to test so have had some fun rotations of mental maths, games and prodigy all week!