Message From Bev and Kim 

Jaime and Ivy watch themselves on screen! Gab cannot believe it!


With the end of year celebrations ramping up, and easing restrictions to match, there is much excitement across the school this week.


PRODUCTION: We are absolutely blown away by the end result of this year of all year’s School Production. Congratulations again - Sally Wickes said it best - 'We did it!'. Please see our BBPS Life section of the newsletter for more about how we celebrated at a whole school level on Wednesday afternoon. If you missed Wednesday night’s premiere, go to to enjoy the show!


Grade 6: Enjoyed their Camp Week with several excursions, and the confirmation that Graduation will now be held in our school hall, with density quotient rules applying. We celebrate our 2020 Grade 6 cohort on Monday with Lunch, the Formal Graduation Ceremony followed by a celebratory After Party.


UPDAY: Students visited the year above them, and had the opportunity to ask teachers currently in the grade about the learning program and events to be excited about for next year. 

New students joining us in 2021 Grade 1-6 are invited to join us tomorrow to meet their new cohort.

Preps 2021 have the opportunity to meet their new teacher next Tuesday at 9:15am.

All other students will meet their 2021 teacher next Thursday.


SCHOOL REPORTS: will go live tomorrow via Compass. Many thanks to our teachers, and our report coordinator Kirsten Braun, for the time and effort taken to capture an outstanding semester of learning in an unusual year. Please see below for some gems from student comments in the junior school … 


Learner Habits

“I learn best when it is quiet and calm because then I can focus on my work” Matilda, Prep E

“Sometimes I get stuck in the learning pit but I keep trying and don’t give up” Charlotte Prep E

“I like to work in small groups and pairs because you have more brains than you would have normally” Taym, 2G

“I learn best when I don’t give up. If something is quite difficult I never give up. If I get stuck I can ask mum or dad for help” Liam, 1W

“I learn best when other people put their hand up and talk to the teacher, it helps when I listen to others” Teenie, 1A

“I learn best when there’s not much noise, maybe just a little bit of whispering” Maddie, 2G

“There was a challenging Maths video and I really didn’t get it at the start but I took a deep breath and continued with some help from my parents” Cem, 2G


Shout outs to mums and dads

“When I grow up I would like to be a dad … Dads help children and they go to do their job as well” Harvey, Prep E

“During home learning my dad taught me about science” Mateo, 2G

“If I get stuck I can ask my teacher, my mum, dad or even my sister for help” Billie, 1W

“I had to learn to be patient, sometimes I had to wait for mum and dad to be free. If I was stuck I would read over the task again and then ask my sisters for help” Ethan, 2G


End of Year Final Assembly will take place at 12:00pm on Friday, 18th. Parents of grade 6 students only are invited to attend ( to comply with COVID limits). 


The school day concludes at 1:30pm – please be aware that the Two Minute Zone will be active from 1pm. Staggered start as per COVIDNorm, but no staggered finish for the final 1.30 pick up of term 4, 2020.


TheirCare is available for families needing additional student supervision. 


2020 FEEDBACK: As we shift our mindsets into 2021, and continue to think differently and take our learnings from the year that has been, we continue to value your feedback – no doubt, you too, have discovered and reflected on some of the successes of this year. So please, take five minutes to complete our survey. BBPS PARENT SURVEY HERE 


Leaving Students: Next week is a celebration of the year and our achievements, and an opportunity to farewell our Grade 6 students and other families who might be moving on. A reminder that only Grade 6 may have their uniform signed as a right of passage (or of course, they’re fabulous year books). If other students leaving our school would like their peers to leave them a farewell message, we recommend a notebook as a great way to capture friendships. 


Canteen: The last day for canteen for 2020 is Monday 14th December.


THURSDAY ‘Touch of Green’: Gr 6 Enviro Captains initiative – students are invited to wear a touch of green to raise sustainability awareness, no coin donation required.