Student Awards 

Student of the Week - 11/12/2020

01A - Addi - For always going above and beyond what is asked of you. You have worked hard all year and produced amazing work. Well done! 

01J - Jett - For working hard to make good decisions in class, and for a great improvement in all areas of his learning. Well done Jett! 

12R - Asher - For making great progress in his reading and spelling. Keep up the wonderful work Asher! 

23C - Myllah - A great week of learning this week Myllah. You are really having a go at all tasks and your new learning with time is impressive. Well done! 

34S - Jackson - For a great week of sensible behaviour, and a fantastic recount of our excellent excursion! 

34W – Declan - Great job on helping others get their equipment organised and taking down class displays in an efficient manner. Well done! 

56H - Leila - For showing initiative in all classroom tasks and always putting 100% of your effort into your work. Good work Leila! 

56S - Baelan - For consistently going about your learning in a diligent manner. You have increased your knowledge, skills and understanding in all curriculum areas. You are also an effective leader who always produced high quality work and willingly assisted others. 

Science - Liam W. - This week’s Science student of the week goes to Liam Woolley who has participated fully during the topic of Structural Engineering. He has also made an effort to complete extra homework on the topic. This week’s Science award goes to Liam Woolley.  

Art - Bailey, Eden, Larna and Brody - For an excellent lesson in Art this week. Well done for using your time wisely and creating great work. Well done Bailey, Eden, Larna & Brody. 

Music - 56H - For always working so well together as a team. Congratulations on all the fantastic music you have made this week, this term and this year. 

Values - Riley T. - This student is a quiet achiever who always participates well in class, assists the teachers, completes set work and helps others. He has also made great improvements to his Reading and Mathematics. This week’s values award goes to Riley. 

Reader of the Week - 11/12/2020

01A - Taylor - For showing a lot of improvement in recognising sight words. Great work! 

01J - India - For sounding out words when reading, and for working hard to try new words. Great work India! 

12R - Emelia - For achieving excellent results in her M100W assessment 

23C - Declan - You are developing your fluency with your reading and it is sounding great. Keep up the good work. 

34S - Ava - The enthusiasm you show when talking about the books that you have been enjoying! 

34W – Bailey - For improving your fluency and stamina as a reader. 

56H - Arthur - For reading every morning before school. 

56S - Chloe - For always choosing appropriate and interesting books to read. You work diligently during reading comprehension tasks and show an excellent understanding of the text you are reading. 


Student of the Week - 17/12/2020

01A -  - For being such a hard-working student all term. You attempt all activities, no matter how challenging, and continue to produce lovely work. Well done Max! 

01J -  - For working hard to be more organised in class, and for being a kind and helpful friend to others. Well done Chloe! 

12R -  - For always trying hard and for making great progress in her learning 

23C -  - You have had such a fantastic term to finish off the year. You work hard in all areas and you are not afraid to have a go. Well done Zav! 

34S -  - Because you are all wonderful hardworking and helpful, and I have had such a great year with you all! Thank You! 

34W –  - It has been wonderful to watch your journey as a learner this year. You have been self-motivated to reach your full potential. Well done! 

56H - Skye - For always being kind and very helpful - what a great way to end the school year! 

56S - Ella - For consistently going about your learning in a respectful, responsible manner, caring for others and increasing your knowledge and skills in all curriculum areas. You are a great role model, and you always produce high quality work! 

Science - Riley T. - This student has worked extremely well to produce outstanding work for the topic of Structural Engineering. He has participated fully and understood all aspects of the task. This week’s Science award goes to Riley Thompson 

Art - The Byron Bay Collage Group - This group worked incredibly diligently during Art over the past three weeks and created a very effective piece of work. Well done to you all. 

Music - Savina - For always working to the best of your ability in Music and going beyond what is expected. Keep playing the keyboard at High School! 

Values - Charlotte - This week’s Values award goes to a student who has greatly improved her ability to work in group situations and always takes the time to help others in need. This week’s Values award goes to Charlotte. 

Reader of the Week - 17/12/2020

01A - Paige - For your astounding knowledge of sight words. You should be very proud!

01J - Jessie - For sounding out words when reading, and for working hard to try new words. Great work Jessie! 

12R - Sieanna - For working well during Readers’ Workshops. 

23C - Larna - For working so well on your reading this term. You can see the improvements in your confidence when reading. Great work! 

34S - Jaxson S. - Focusing on CARS skills to really develop your comprehension and really improve Assessment Scores! 

34W – Charlotte - For becoming a well-rounded reader this year. Congratulations on a great year of discovery in print. 

56H - Cooper Te. - Choosing books to build reading stamina. 

56S - Theodore - Always reading and engaging in a range of interesting, appropriate books!