International Womens Day

So much support for International Womens Day!!

Staff and Students celebrating International Women's Day

We thank teacher Jess Rainsford, for organizing the International Women's Day human Symbol on the oval at our school.   Thankyou to Pat Cleary for the Drone photography. 


On Tuesday the 9th of March, Woodmans Hill students celebrated International Womens Day.  Our Woodmans Hill student leaders invited all members of the school to wear an item of purple on the day, and during Home Group, all females, and those who identify as female, were invited to gather on the oval where the student leaders had set up the female symbol for students to stand around and distributed purple balloons.


As the females gathered, songs about female empowerment played on a speaker while Mr Cleary flew a drone above to capture the gathering.  Whilst our females were on the oval, our male students were in their Home Groups learning about gender equality and their role in supporting females. It was an incredible event that enabled our females of Woodmans Hill to come together and celebrate their greatness.


Big thanks to the Student Leadership team for putting it all together.


History of International Women's Day


The story dates back to 1917 after women gained suffrage in Soviet Russia - March 8 became a national holiday. Since then, this day was predominantly celebrated by the communist countries and socialists movement until in 1967 it was adopted by the feminist movement. In 1977, United Nations recognised the day and started celebrating the day as International Women's Day.