The Arts  

Design & Tech

We are creative

The Arts

The Arts curriculum comprises five subjects:

Dance, Drama, Media Arts, Music and Visual Arts.


In Visual Arts we will be exploring different mediums such as paint, crayons, and pencils. We will experiment with different techniques, technologies and processes to make artworks. We will create and display artworks to communicate ideas.  Visual arts will be a part of our Discovery Time in the morning and shared Activity Board. Visual Arts will be closely linked to other curriculum areas.

We will also sing songs and dance as part of music.  We will explore, improvise and organise ideas to make dance sequences using the elements of dance. We will use fundamental movement skills to develop technical skills when practising dance sequences We will watch others dance and respect those around us when they are dancing.


In Drama the children will take part in purposeful dramatic play focusing on experiencing the roles and situations they create. They will take turns in offering and accepting ideas, and staying in role in short improvisations. They will use role play to act out familiar events or stories.


In Media Arts we will use technology to record images for others to view.


This semester our receptions classes will spend a few weeks with a teacher from our team specialising in one of the areas of The Arts. We  can't wait to show you what we can create!


In our learning spaces children have access to iPads and interactive whiteboards which will be used on a daily basis to support their learning journey. Students are focussing on developing creativity and innovation skills using a variety of programs. We will be using this equipment to differentiate our curriculum and to be able to work in a variety of small groups. IT supports the children in all areas of learning with a key focus on oral language, literacy and numeracy.