
Happy Birthday to the students and Staff who will celebrate their birthdays this week and over the holidays.

Louis 5M18

Amber 3/4W13

Astrid FL10

Charlie 3/4P14

Layla 6G2

Rhys 6K4

Gayatri 3/4P14

Agnes FB8

Brayden 2P11

Zulfiqar Ali 6G2

Jay 1VT7

Leandra 6G2

Magenta-Rose 2P11

Zarmina 3/4W13

Scarlet 3/4W13

Belma FB8

Steffan FL10

Allan 3/4P14

Johnny 5M18

Dylan 2P11

Xandra 5R20

D'Codah 1W6

Hayden 6K4

Sabrina 1VT7

Shanae 6G2

Jett 3/4W13

Mrs Debbie Shaw-Denis

Mrs Marina Miljanic

Mrs Louise Carroll

Mrs Catherine Rivett

Ms Nancy Walker