COVID Drop Off & Dismissal Process and Protocols

Drop Off/Dismissal

Drop off and Pick -Ups Times


The Bank Street Gate (Park Street will not be available) will open at 8.35am and all students will go directly to their classrooms. 

We respectfully request that parents remain outside the school grounds in the mornings. This is due to current COVID -19 protocols, where any adult onsite for more than 15 mins must sign in for contact tracing purposes. 

If you need to speak to someone, we encourage you to call the office so we can arrange an appointment time or email/Dojo you child's teacher.



Please be reminded of our current times that students are to be picked up at the end of the school day.

·         Siblings A- K     3.15pm

·         Siblings L – Z    3.20pm

·         All other students  3.25pm

It is impossible for school staff to monitor this, so we are totally reliant on our parent’s cooperation.

Our reasons for the staggered times are

·         to assist with parking turnover

·         to be compliant with COVID-19 restrictions that aim to reduce the congregation of adults around the school and reduce congestion

·         to ensure all our parents and students can leave the school safely


We also recommend that you follow the Face Mask restrictions that are currently in effect which strongly recommend a face mask is worn outside whenever you cannot keep 1.5 metres distance from others. School staff will not be enforcing this as it is not mandatory, but we do support this recommendation by the Victorian Government.

Students who are walking home by themselves or riding home will be dismissed at 3.25pm.

This information will also be available on our website and school Bulletin.

We will also be publishing a timetable in the event of wet weather by next week.

We thank everyone for their flexibility and cooperation in ensuring that pick-up is safe and efficient for all in dealing with COVID-19 restrictions. 

Student On-Site Protocols

  • COVID-19 symptoms upon arrival: Students presenting any COVID-19 symptoms including fever, cough, sneezing, temperature, runny nose will not be cleared for entry
  • Masks: As per CEM directives, students will not be required to wear a mask, however, families may choose for their child to wear one.
  • Social distancing: Parents, students and families must not congregate at the school gate before or after school. They must maintain 1.5 metres distance from other people when waiting for the school to open or close.
  • COVID-19 symptoms throughout the day: Students who develop any COVID-19 symptoms including fever, cough, sneezing, temperature, runny nose throughout the day will be immediately isolated with visual supervision. Parents will be contacted to collect their child immediately.
  • Playground/shared equipment: As per CEM directives, students may use the playground and shared classroom equipment.
  • Washing hands: Students are to wash hands thoroughly with soap, for 20 seconds, after sneezing, coughing, going to the bathroom and before and after eating.