
Live Love Learn

Dear Families,

As we come to the end of the third week of school we are seeing students settle comfortably into the school routine.  A new school year can bring with it a range of emotions. These can range from the excitement and anticipation of a new beginning to uncertainty and worry associated with forming friendships and coping with expectations of a new year level and a new teacher. Teachers have been working with students over the past two weeks to develop classroom expectations, understand new structures within the classroom and time to build opportunities to build relationships with each other. Teachers have also been working with students on setting academic goals based upon the results of students' initial assessments. Teachers are explaining the Learning Intentions for each lesson and are setting Success Criteria that give students an understanding about what they are learning, what success looks like and how they can work towards their learning goals. 


I have been fortunate enough to spend time in classrooms this week and have been impressed that our students are able to articulate what they are learning and have a clear understanding about how the tasks they are involved in will help them improve.   


You will notice that Term Overviews have been published further down. We encourage you to have a look at them to gain an understanding of the learning opportunities that your child/ren will be involved in this term. 


We also encourage you to talk to your child/ren about the learning that they are doing at school. The Raising Children Website has some excellent advice on how you can talk to your child/ren about school.


The Summer Uniform is to be worn in Term One with Sports Uniform to be worn on Friday and when your child participates in Physical Education. Students are required to be in the correct uniform at all times but if not possible due to unforeseen circumstances, a written message should be given to your child's teacher.

Beginning Monday 15th February, these are the days students will need to wear Physical Education uniform:

Prep S - Wednesday

Prep P - Wednesday

Prep M - Tuesday

Year IJ - Tuesday

Year 1B - Wednesday

Year 2E - Tuesday

Year 2R - Tuesday

Year 2J - Wednesday

Year 3M - Monday

Year 3B - Monday

Year 4H - Tuesday

Year 4R - Tuesday

Year 5C - Monday


Please see the school's Uniform Policy on the website.

CSEF Application

Term Overviews

Open Morning

On Wednesday, 10th February we hosted our first Open Day for 2021. We had many prospective families attend. They were able to hear from our Year 6 student leaders and participate in a student-led school tour. Unfortunately, due to COVID19 restrictions, numbers were capped and those who attended were not able to experience a school assembly, as has been the case in previous years.  Even with the restrictions, families were able to gain an insight into what Galilee is like. We are very proud of our student leaders in Year 5 and 6 who conducted the tours, answered questions and spoke about what it's like to be a student at Galilee. We would also like to thank Carmen Carnovale, Wendy and Tegan who helped to organise the morning. 


If you are aware of anyone who is interested in sending their child/ren to Galilee in 2022 or 2023 and they were not able to attend the Open Morning to please contact the office so they can receive an enrollment form and be placed on the list. 

Pick-up Procedures

Please be reminded of our current times that students are to be picked up at the end of the school day.

·         Siblings A- K     3.15pm

·         Siblings L – Z    3.20pm

·         All other students  3.25pm

It is impossible for school staff to monitor this, so we are totally reliant on our parent’s cooperation.

Our reasons for the staggered times are

·         to assist with parking turnover

·         to be compliant with COVID-19 restrictions that aim to reduce the congregation of adults around the school and reduce congestion

·         to ensure all our parents and students can leave the school safely


We also recommend that you follow the Face Mask restrictions that are currently in effect which strongly recommend a face mask is worn outside whenever you cannot keep 1.5 metres distance from others. School staff will not be enforcing this as it is not mandatory, but we do support this recommendation by the Victorian Government.

Students who are walking home by themselves or riding home will be dismissed at 3.25pm.

This information will also be available on our website and school Bulletin.

We will also be publishing a timetable in the event of wet weather by next week.

We thank everyone for their flexibility and cooperation in ensuring that pick-up is safe and efficient for all in dealing with COVID-19 restrictions. 

Wellbeing - In the Zone

By learning how to focus your attention to be fully in the zone when applying your skills, you will experience amazing enjoyable an uplifting feelings. There are so many electronic distractions these days, especially phones, which make achieving this difficult, unless you use your strengths to be really determined. Find challenges which stretch your skills and abilities and then use your energies to fully engage to overcome them. You will feel great!

Incursion Recount

By Eliza Doyle Yr 6


On Thursday the 4th of February Years 3 to 6 had an incursion with the Royal Assembly. We learnt all about finding our confidence through helping others. Through demonstrations and activities, we were taught that there is a science behind kindness. We were shown a video that explained that random acts of kindness can cause a chain reaction that could spread worldwide kindness.


We discovered that working together as a team made it easier to play games and discover answers. We met Madi K who is an Australian singer who explained to us how she built up her confidence to go on the Voice! She informed us that it wasn’t easy but that she is very glad that she did it!


Here is what some students learnt:


“ I learnt that you need self confidence to do nearly anything”-Violet year 6


"I learnt that to be kind to people others will be kind to others too. "

-Olivia year 5


"I liked how they were saying to never give up” 

-Chloe year 4


“I liked how it was very encouraging” 

-Allegra year 4


“I like how they treated Everybody the same” 

-Nick year 3


“I learnt to be confident and brave”

 -Sammy year 3

 D.O.G.S - (Dads of Galilee School)

Hi D.O.G.S,

The first D.O.G.S Social Night for the year is tomorrow, Friday Feb 12th at the Middle Park Bowls Club from 6:30pm onwards.  

Free barefoot bowls / table tennis / snooker, live music, food trucks and drink specials.


Calling all Prep & Grade 1 Dads,

These social events are the best way to meet dads across all years of the school. 

I encourage you to come along and meet the wider school community. 

All other year level dads, it would be great to see you also.  Never been to a D.O.G.S. event, make this the first one. 

We'll be on a table near the back rink. 


Hope to see you there new D.O.G.S.



Danceworld and Galilee

Hip Hop
Hip Hop

Strike a pose, there's nothing to it. Vogue!

Recess and lunchtime lessons at Danceworld have been a smash hit. Limited places are still available. Currently we have over 130 students attending during recess and lunch times. For further information, visit

Craft Club

Today was our first lunchtime Craft Club. The children made some bee-utiful Valentine's Day cards with Miss Evans and Miss McAuliffe. Lunchtime craft club will be happening every Thursday and we invite students to let their classroom teacher know if they wish to join. 

Scripture of the Week

On Friday February 4th, we celebrated the Beginning of Year Mass with all the students at Galilee. The students participated very well and were extremely well behaved. We are very proud of them and how reverent they were. 

This was also a Commissioning Mass where the school staff and all the Year Six students pledged their desires to uphold the gospel values and be excellent leaders at our school. Well done to all!

On Wednesday evening the 10th of February, the Year Three teachers and families attended a Reconciliation Family Faith night. This was a wonderful gathering for our students and families to begin having conversations about this Sacrament. A special thanks to our Year Three teachers, Laura Mason and Charlotte Biggs, Amy Burns our DP, Father John and Sue Kidd the StsPP Catechist for their input into the success of the evening. 

Please keep these students and their families  in your prayers.


Simon Millar

Principal of Galilee