Areas of Support

Toys, Treats in Lunch boxes and Drinks, Session Times and Uniform

Special Things From Home - Toys


Since our last iNewsletter requesting special toys be left at home or in the car, we have continued to have them brought into the Centre which has caused some disruption.  We have even found some left in toilet cubicles which is not hygienic.   It is important that these treasures are not brought into the Centre.  Mrs Gliddon will have a basket of special toys that children can seek out if they require a little friend to help them feel comforted.  If this presents a huge issue for your child please speak to your child's teacher.

Treats in Lunch Boxes and Drinks


Sending your child with healthy foods is a great way to support your child's concentration and engagement in play throughout their day.  We are still continuing to see children opening up lunchboxes with cakes, biscuits, lollies, chocolate and chips which does not support our Healthy Eating policy.  Treats are great to have together at home and gives your child something to look forward to.


Unfortunately, there has been many nuts appearing in lunch boxes within muesli bars and small boxes.  For safety reasons Curiosity is a NUT FREE centre.  We do urge you to not pack nut products and give notice that food items containing nuts will be discarded of at the Centre.


Thank you for remembering to send your child's drink bottle to Curiosity with fresh water each day.  Fruit and milk boxes in your child's lunchboxes can create a mess and spoil food if not stored correctly so water is a great choice.

Session Times

Our staff are rostered according to the number of children booked into each session.  This means that we are able to cater for the children who are registered for each session accordingly.  If you need to book your child into the Morning Sunrise program as you need to drop your child off before 8:30am please email Jacqui or Amber to make these bookings.  We do ask that you arrive at 8:30am for your child's session if they are only attending the Educational Program.  


Please remember that all uniform items other than the compulsory t-shirt, hat and jumper must be navy blue.  This includes extra layers of clothing during the colder weather and pants, shorts, legging and skorts. 


Thank you to everyone who presents their child in the correct uniform each day.  We appreciate your efforts.