Scotsburn News

Welcome Back

The staff at Scotsburn would like to welcome back all of our families. We hope that you all had a restful break.

Social Distancing of Adults

Thanks so much to our parents who did such a wonderful job dropping off their children last term. A reminder that visitors to the school grounds will be limited to those delivering or supporting essential school services and operations. No parents should enter classrooms until further notice, but please feel free to email or phone if there is something you need assistance with. Parents must also be conscious of not congregating outside the school grounds at the beginning and end of each school day.


We’ll continue to use Compass and email as our main method of communication until further notice.


The Scotsburn playground will not be available for students or siblings before and after school. 

Water Bottles

Students are required to bring along a water bottle that they can have close by in the classroom to access throughout the day.


A child’s biggest indicator for success out of school is how much time they spend at school. If your child is away from school please phone or email the Buninyong office first to let them know that your child will not be present.

Arrival Times

8:45am is an ideal time to arrive at school, as the classrooms and playground are not supervised until then. All children should be ready to start the day at 9am. If your child is absent on any given day, please ensure that you contact the Buninyong Primary School office to inform them.

Scotsburn Winter Wonderland Day

We had such a great time for our last day of term 2. The students and staff dressed in their winter woollies, participating in a day of winter crafts, marshmallow toasting, hot chips and milo. It was so nice to see the smiles on the students' faces following what was such a challenging term for them all.  


Buildings & Grounds

Over the break, we have been able to get a couple of jobs completed. The SC1 & SC3 portable has had the green strip painted which looks great. The tree stumps out in the cubby area have also been placed into a nice play space. Matt Klein generously donated his time to bring along his bobcat to move the stumps and also to transport the mulch from the front of the school. The kids will love playing in this new space and will certainly use their imagination to create new games. Should be lots of fun!

Friday Rotations

We would like to recommence our Friday rotations this Friday. Unfortunately due to the requirements of not mixing students across year levels, we will not be able to do this in our usual Family Groups. Instead, students will be in their grade groups. As well as this, we have decided it would be best if we didn’t include the cooking program as part of the rotations due to the complexities of health and safety. In its place, we have decided to focus on Science. We’ll be using some of the cooking money budget to enable us to provide engaging and meaningful learning opportunities in Science. So, the students will be involved in Landcare / Gardening, Sustainability and Science over a 3 week rotation throughout the term. Should be lots of fun!

Our first rotation for Term 3 will be on the (17th July). Our groups will be doing the following:

Term 3 - Lunch Order Roster 

Important Dates & Extra-Curricular Events

Gr P-6 Tree Planting Day – TBC

Gr 5 Camp – 27th – 29th July

Book Fair – 27th July to 1st Aug - Cancelled

Gr 3 Camp - TBC

Father’s Day Stall – TBC

Term 3 Finishes – 18th September (2.25pm)