Performing Arts

VCE Theatre Studies Play

Congratulations to the VCE students on the wonderful job they did presenting their play Eurydice last week. The production lent itself beautifully to a live streamed presentation and the students handled the different style of performance extremely well.


Thanks to Ms Stephanie Opasinis, Mr Linden Koodravsev and the Media Crew consisting of Roy J, Frank S and Robert W, supported by Spencer C and Charlie C for operating cameras for the performance. Also, to a number of staff who supported the students throughout the week and across the months leading up to the production, particularly, Mr Dan Pedersen, Miss Rezz Ufacikligil, Ms Jacqui Flood, Mr Luciano Bernes, Ms Jacky Armstrong and Ms Jane Pumpa.


Eurydice was a haunting and moving story about love and longing. There were people watching in the USA, UK, South Australia and all around Melbourne and the feedback from the audience was wonderful.


 “Just wanted to say that what the kids and yourself have pulled together in Eurydice in this ridiculous year was amazing.”

Meredith F, Parent


“A hearty congratulations for the beautiful performance achieved last night, I felt the energy and atmosphere through the actors’ ability to maintain focus and intensity throughout. Their timing and tone was very sophisticated and elegant for such a young group of people. The staging and lighting were phenomenal. Visually, the performance was all round beautiful and tragic at the same time - the underworld mismatched with such colour and ‘magical’ lighting. Sound and music were perfectly matched to the performance.”

Elise Z, Aitken Staff


“Congrats on another fantastic Aitken Production. 😀 Brilliant performance by all. So pleased the kids were able to perform and act in such a brilliant play during this terrible time. Bravo 👏🏻 👏🏻👏🏻” 

Jo D, Parent


“The acting, set design, lighting, sound, and stills (as credits rolled), even the final bows created a very strong visual aesthetic that was somewhat discomforting, certainly mysterious. The pace created an edge for the viewer, forcing me to engage, feeling drawn on every word. I had no idea what the storyline/play was about and found myself gaining interest and wanting the constant questions that popped into my head answered as it progressed, to make sense of a sometimes nonsensical underworld. I really enjoyed the set design, colour palette, lighting and simplicity of the stage that allowed for a very smooth transition from one area/scene to the next. Very enjoyable because of the flow this created. The filming and close ups, angles and contrast in the lighting, created amazing shots that I think enhanced the viewing, really suiting a filmed version. The colour palette and light were a highlight for me.”

Linda C, Aitken Staff


“Just watched Eurydice with our students from Star. Well done mate, a great production and hats off to you for navigating your way through this headache.”

Tim R, Productions Coordinator, Star of the Sea College, Brighton


“Congratulations on your amazing and beautiful production.”

Janine M, Drama Coordinator and Performing Arts Curriculum Specialist, Clonard College, Geelong


“Production values were fantastic. Lighting, sound, set especially...Evocative. Felt like a series of artworks. Soundtrack was extraordinary.”

Sam M, Head of Drama, Peninsula Grammar, Mount Eliza


If you didn’t get to see it, please enjoy a snap shot of photographs from the production which showcases the students’ work.

Farewell Jonathan

Last week, our guitar students were sad see Mr Jonathan McCoy leave us to continue his PhD studies in Music. Jonathan has been with us for over four years and has developed a wonderful rapport with the students he teaches. He has done amazing work with the VCE students he has prepared for exams but has also shown himself to be wonderful with the other end of the spectrum, beginning students. Jonathan has been replaced by one of his own former students and a gentleman already well-known at Aitken in Mr Noah Hutchinson. We welcome Noah to the Instrumental Music teaching team.

Music Lessons and Ensembles

We thank all of our tutors who are doing an amazing job engaging with almost 150 students undertaking Private Instrumental Music lessons and Music Ensembles. Ensembles are still running in various formats so please check with your children that they know when/where to meet. If nothing else, these ensembles give students another opportunity to socialise and enjoy a shared activity with others during this time.


Mr Michael Cooper

Director of Performing Arts