
                                                                 Mrs Francis Scuderi

Parent Teacher Interviews

The second round of Parent Teacher Interviews will be held on Thursday 13 August. If you have not made an appointment with your child’s teachers, there may still be some times available for you to schedule. If you cannot get an appointment with a teacher, please feel free to email them and organise a phone interview or alternatively a Zoom interview. Please discuss with your child the recommendations that teachers may have given you and help to start setting goals for this semester.

2021 Electives

Students will soon be selecting electives for 2021. It is important that they discuss their choices with you. Students should be selecting electives that they are genuinely interested in. It is important that your child makes the right choice as often, due to timetable constraints, a change is not possible. This year the elective forms, instruction sheet and access codes have been emailed. There will be details on how many electives to select and how to do so. 

Dunhelen Assembly

This week’s Assembly focused on taking care of ourselves. With the everchanging landscape we are living in at the moment, it is important for all of us to acknowledge our feelings and try and make sense of them. I recommended to the students some apps that they might like to explore. Most of the apps are free. They focus on mindfulness and meditation and help to bring a sense of calm. They help students identify their feelings and offer some exercises or activities. You may want to look into these yourself and explore them with your child. Some of the apps recommended are: Smiling Minds, Stop, Breathe and Think, Calm Counter and Headspace. There are obviously a lot more and they are definitely worth looking at and using. 


In Chapel this week, Mr Vaughn spoke about friendships and staying in touch. His message was that during times like these it is important for students to keep in touch, not just in Zoom classes, but also on a personal level. Studies show that people who remain connected to others demonstrate lower levels of anxiety and depression and they may have higher self-esteem. Please encourage your child, and yourself, to stay connected. 

Best Wishes

Like you, I am hopeful that we begin to see the positive effects of this lockdown. I would like to send my best wishes to you all and hope that you stay safe and healthy. We will be doing our best to ensure your child continues with their education and are hopeful that we maintain a sense of connectedness.