Primary News

Public Speaking 2020

Each year, students from Years 3 - 6 are involved in our Public Speaking Competition. Throughout Week 7 (beginning 31 August) students will be presenting their speeches in class. To be eligible for the finals, students must be ready to present from the Monday of Week 7. Semi-finalists are chosen from each of the class groups within the grade. These students then give their speech to the whole grade and between 4 and 6 (depending on the grade size) finalists are chosen. Parents do not attend these in-class presentations. 



* All students are required to present a speech, on any chosen topic, to their class. We suggest that students choose something that they can speak knowledgeably about. 

* Speeches are written and rehearsed at home. 

* Parents are allowed to offer as much support as they can - this can include helping your child to write their speech. 

* Students are encouraged to use palm cards (not pages) during the presentation of their speech. 

* Time limits for speeches Year 3 and 4: 3-4 minutes, Year 5 and 6: 4-5 minutes. 


The criteria for judging include how the speaker:

* Captures and maintains the interest of their audience.

* Makes eye contact.

* Delivers their speech fluently. 

* Meets the given time frame. 

* Relies on their notes. 


Should you have any questions regarding your child’s participation in the Public Speaking Competition, please contact their classroom Leader of Learning.