Scotsburn News

Well Done

A big congratulations to everyone for their resilience and adaptability during what has been an unprecedented time in our schooling life. Challenges were thrown at us, but with great communication, preparation and resolve, we all managed to navigate our way through. We’ll be keeping our fingers crossed that things start to settle down during the break so that school can resume as planned on Monday 13th July. The safety precautions and expectations for staff, students and families that we have become use to in recent weeks will apply when we return. Any changes to those will be communicated as they come to hand.  

Last Day of Term 2 

This Friday is the last day of term. A reminder that school will finish at 2.30pm.

Change to Traffic Conditions

Tomorrow there will be some maintenance works taking place along the front of the school which may impact your drop off and pick up. Please drive carefully and adhere to any changes on this day. Thank you. 

Social Distancing of Adults

Thank so much to our parents who have been doing such a wonderful job dropping off their children since school resumed. A reminder that visitors to the school grounds will be limited to those delivering or supporting essential school services and operations. No parents should enter classrooms until further notice, but please feel free to email or phone if there is something you need assistance with. Parents must also be conscious of not congregating outside the school grounds at the beginning and end of each school day.

Danny Champion of the World

SC2 have thoroughly enjoyed the book study journey that we have been on with this amazing story by Roald Dahl. Throughout the term the students have deeply explored the characters and plot and been engrossed in the wonderful adventures. To cap off the learning, the students are looking forward to watching the movie this week, where they will then draw comparisons between the movie and the text. 

Stop-Motion Movie

Scotsburn Winter Wonderland Day – Friday 26th June (Last day of term)

As we are all aware, Term 2 has been a different, interesting and busy term for everyone. To celebrate everything that has been achieved, and to have some fun on the last day, Scotsburn will be having a ‘Winter Wonderland’ Day. 


Students are encouraged to come to school dressed up in their winter woollies (beanies, scarves, earmuffs, special warm jumpers, gumboots etc.). There will be lots of fun (and surprises) throughout the day to finish the term in style.  

Enrolment Forms

We have reached that time of the year again where parents are reminded to submit enrolment forms for their children if they are starting Prep next year. Please ensure they are in ASAP.

Tree Planting

This Friday, Simon will be planting some fruit trees up at the Scotsburn campus in our vegetable garden. We look forward to them growing over time and adding great value to our cooking program

ABC & ROCCH Awards

SC1 – Zen D

SC2 – Eden J

ROCCH Award – Quinn M

Term 2 - Lunch Order Roster 

Important Dates

June 23rd - Parent Teacher Interviews 

                    - Webex - 4pm – 5.30pm

June 26th - Winter Wonderland Theme Day

June 26th  Term 2 Ends (2.30 pm finish)

Thanks and enjoy the break

The Scotsburn staff would like to thank you all for your wonderful support throughout what has been a very different term for us all. We hope you enjoy a happy and safe break with your families. See you all back on Monday 13th July.