School Canteen 


Please place your lunch orders via the QKR app by 1.30 pm the day before. 


Hot chocolates are now available each morning. 

Qkr! Update

We have been advised that there has been a Qkr software update.

Please Reinstall the app to apply the current changes. You may need to reset your password.

Qkr! Tip of the week


Coffee & Hot Chocolate vouchers available on QKR under Canteen

Hot drink vouchers are now available to purchase on QKR.

Buy 10 and receive 1 for free.


Coffee x 10 = $40.00

Hot chocolate x 10 = $30.00 


Please purchase vouchers before 5.00 pm the day before.


The canteen will keep a record of purchases.


Please see below the Canteen Price List.


Thank you

Tracey Coats

Canteen Manager