Sport and PE Report

PE Remote Learning

A big shout out to so many of our wonderful students completing the set PE tasks each week. It has been fantastic seeing so many videos and photos of students engaging in the learning. It can be very easy to get caught sitting down for long periods of the day, so I hope that your families have enjoyed participating the remote learning Physical Activity program.


BPPS House Fitness Challenge - Week 4 and 5 Results

A reminder that we are currently running the BPPS House Fitness Challenge Competition. All information and Google Forms to submit results can be located on the website created for this event.


Here are the results for Weeks 4 and 5!

Week 4

Foundation to Year 2

Year 3 - 6, Parents and Teachers

Week 4 Overall


Week 5

Foundation to Year 2

Year 3 - 6, Parents and Teachers



Congratulations to Burra house for winning both weeks 4 and 5 of the competition. It's so important that we all continue to keep up our exercise.


Cameron Batt

BPPS PE Teacher and Sport Coordinator