100 Days of Foundation!

On Wednesday 12th of August, Team Foundation students, teachers and families celebrated the 100 Days of school! Since the first day of school, students had been counting down to this special day. On Wednesday morning there was a great deal of excitement in the air! The Foundation teachers had been working hard to design fun and enjoyable lessons that could be completed through the remote learning platform. Children and teachers came to the Webex meetings dressed for the occasion! Some children dressed up to look like they were 100 years old, others wore party clothes and some even put on superhero costumes! Throughout the day the Foundation students completed a variety of activities with a 100s theme. Some of these were: hunt for 100 items, make a 100 items crown, if I had $100 I would buy, make a picture with the digits 1-0-0- and a 100 days exercise challenge! At lunch time each grade met up to eat a 100 day lunch. Children made delicious lunches with 100 pieces of food! 



At the end of the day all participants had smiles 100 centimetres long! The Foundation teachers hope that this milestone will remain in the children’s memories for a long time. It was indeed a wonderful day, celebrating 100 days of learning!