Principals Message

Dear Parents and Carers

Welcome back to another exciting term of deep learning opportunities. We don't know what is ahead of us in the best of times but we are planning positively and the classrooms are full of good conversations about learning and goal setting. 


In regards to the Coronavirus, as we have seen throughout the year, this is a situation that has the potential to change rapidly. The CSO will continue to monitor the number and location of cases. We have always been, and will continue to be, guided by the NSW Health advice. 

The latest news for schools in the Armidale Diocese, on Covid 19, is as follows;



Student attendance at mass will resume. Principals and REC’s are required to ensure that instructions and guidelines issued by Bishop Michael Kennedy on 1 July 2020 are to be strictly adhered to. 


School activities / sites

The school library, canteen and uniform shops are able to resume normal operation. 


Parent teacher interviews and committee meetings

These meetings can proceed providing that the location can accommodate the 4m2 rule and hygiene measures are implemented.


Sporting activities

All school sport including activities run by the school or external organisations can resume in Term 3. Schools are to ensure that external organisations operate in accordance with current health advice. 


The following activities are not permitted to resume at this time.  We will continue to monitor the situation and update as required. 


All non-essential adults are not permitted at school activities or at school events. This includes parents/carers unless specifically approved by the Principal. Parent volunteers in the canteen are permitted. 



The advice on wearing of masks in NSW will continue to be monitored.


Students returning from school holidays

Any family that travelled during the recent holiday period, should be aware of any health requirements when returning home. Parents/caregivers are to keep students at home if they are displaying cold and flu symptoms. Parents of a student that attends school with these symptoms will be contacted to pick up their child. 


I really hope that any of you who have experienced financial hardship due to job loss are okay. Please let us know if you need any support, even if it’s just a chat. We were so proud of the way our parents supported us and the children during remote learning and we know it wasn’t easy. 


Kind regards,

Jen Honner


Catholic Schools Week 26th July- 1 August

Next week, St Xavier’s, and all other Catholic schools in our Diocese, will be celebrating Catholic Schools Week. This is a time to celebrate our school communities and thank them for what has been achieved this past year, and especially over the last few months.