JMSS Noticeboard

JMSS Noticeboard

To students,

Don't forget to check the JMSS noticeboard for all updates and dates on JMSS events, parliament and clubs.


Below are just a handful of the clubs available to all students.




Harmony Day

Harmony Day this year will be held virtually. Its one of our favourite days of the year. A day where we can celebrate the cultural diversity here at JMSS.

Date: Wednesday 15th July, 2020






Running Club

At the start of Term 2 we set a challenge to try and run to Sydney virtually before the end of the term. Never in our wildest dreams could we have predicted that 2 short weeks later we would have blitzed past it! So we decided to extend the trip a little and make it to Brisbane. It take our group of 47 members long to reach that next destination so we thought we would make things a little interesting. 

We are now keeping our challenge going, despite being back at school and we have decided to try and run around Australia. As of Friday the 19th of June we have now run a total of 2,342km! 

Check out our progress through the weekly email updates and it's definitely not too late to join our Adidas running group (just download this app) and help us get around Australia by the end of the year!