12. September - Tag der deutschen Sprache - Day of the German Language


Der Tag der deutschen Sprache findet jedes Jahr am zweiten Samstag im September statt. Der Tag der deutschen Sprache wurde im Jahr 2001 von dem Verein Deutsche Sprache e.V. ins Leben gerufen, um ein Sprachbewusstsein zu schaffen, welches den Drang überflüssige Fremdwörter zu benutzen eindämmen soll. Mit dem Tag der deutschen Sprache soll den Deutschen die Schönheit und die Ausdruckskraft der deutschen Sprache nähergebracht werden. Außerdem soll dieser Aktionstag an die Gleichwertigkeit aller Sprachen erinnern und zum öffentlichen Meinungsaustausch über die deutsche Sprache anregen.


The Day of the German Language takes place every year on the second Saturday in September. The Day of the German Language was initiated in 2001 by the German Language Association in order to create a language awareness that should curb the urge to use superfluous foreign words. The Day of the German Language aims to give Germans an understanding of the beauty and expressiveness of the German language. It is also intended to remind people of the equal value of all languages and to encourage a public exchange of views on the German language.



For a few more days you will be able to attend the International Literaturfestival online. It celebrates its 20th edition, including a fascinating virtual program. Guests include two Australians: award-winning children’s books author and artist Shaun Tan will highlight the expressiveness of his pictorial narratives, and Tara June Winch talks about a family of the Indegenious Wiradjuri people that is at risk of being destroyed by a mining company.



As Germany holds the European Council Presidency until the end of 2020, the Goethe  Institut co-presents many projects such as Europe’s Kitchen, Tell me about Europe, The Disappearing Wall, #oekoropa, Generation A, Earth Speakr. Click here for more


Andrea Fowler

Head of Languages


Alliance Française Berthe Mouchette Competition – 

Year 9

We have just received notification that our Year 9 French classes have fielded seven finalists for the Berthe Mouchette poetry competition. 


These students were awarded a mark of 20 out of 20 and have been classed as ‘Brilliant’. They will be competing in the finals on Sunday 11 October by Zoom. They are:


·         Eliza Hackett-Smith

·         Maia Jorio

·         Caitlin Lyon

·         Victoria Polites

·         Aleksandra Simic

·         Katelyn Tea

·         Stella Wilson


What a fantastic result – and best wishes for the finals!


Congratulations to all participants - another seven students were marked as Excellent (19-19.5), twenty-two as Très Bien (17-18.5) and five as Bien (14-16.5). This is a wonderful achievement.


Jenny Lynd

French Teacher