Pitsa Binnion
Pitsa Binnion

As I write my final newsletter for Term 3, Victoria remains in a state of disaster.


Life is difficult for many at the moment with an imposed curfew and a limit of movement to 5km radius from home.


These restrictions are an attempt to drive down the COVID numbers, which is exactly what seems to be happening.


Year 12 students have been allowed to come to school to undertake essential assessments these past three weeks. This has now been done with very strict COVID plans in place. Students have worn masks, had temperatures checked, used sanitizer and they have also been seated 1.5 metres apart.


Although logistically difficult these students have thrived returning even for a few hours a week. The need for connection and to physically see their peers and teachers has been a highlight during these adverse days.


The rules for next term see a return to school for the undertaking of the GAT (General Achievement Test) for any student doing a Unit 3/4 study. We have 575 students and they will be dispersed around the school for this test on Wednesday 7 October. Then from Monday 12 October all VCE/VCAL students return to face to face teaching and learning. It will be joyful to have both students and staff return.


(The other students will hopefully have an opportunity to return later in the year).

East Village Campus

We continue to have planning meetings to advise the team on requirements for the new campus.


Building is well and truly on task and we are receiving photos and aerial shots that we have put on our website.

The schedule for completion is November 2021.


Michael Kan and a team of interested representatives have been working hard on innovative units of work that can be undertaken by our Year 9s when they start in 2022.


A very exciting new chapter for our school.

Parent/Teacher/Student Conferences

These meetings were all held virtually this term and everyone was so positive about this change. No running to be at school on time, going from one room to the other and trying to have private conversations about educational achievements in a public space.


This is one of the blessings from COVID-19.


The flexibility in having these interviews from home was appreciated by everyone.


It enabled parents who were interstate to connect with the students’ teachers and receive this invaluable feedback. Some parents report it was the very first time they had ever been able to attend these conferences.


We have surveyed parents about their experiences of doing the interviews online and have already received over 530 responses. Of these, 97% said the experience was positive and 85% supported the idea of this event being run remotely in the future. We thank those parents who provided feedback.


This is indeed a keeper going forward.


Our School Council funded project has been approved for tender by the VSBA. We look forward to a very successful tender.


The facility will make a significant difference to our school community.


We will indeed be able to better cater for the needs of all the students' physical education program. It is due for completion by November 2021 (hopefully earlier).


I cannot thank School Council and parents enough for their continuous support to improving facilities and grounds at McKinnon.

Meeting With Her Excellency, The Honourable Linda Dessau, Governor Of Victoria

What a privilege it was to join a meet with Governor Dessau, her husband Mr Howard, Mrs Masterson (Head of Humanities) and the Year 10 & 11 Legal Studies students.


Governor Dessau was absolutely inspiring.

This was a wonderful opportunity for these students, many of whom wish to pursue further studies in law.


Thank you to Mrs Masterson for organizing this opportunity.

Hollywood came to McKinnon – an hour with Michael James Scott who played the Genie in Disney’s Aladdin on Broadway.

In life often it is not what you know but who that really matters. This week a strong friendship between Ms Lucy Angell, Performing Arts Coordinator, Drama/Theatre Studies teacher and Mr Michael James Scott made a visit to McKinnon possible!


Michael joined sixty students of Drama and Theatre from Years 7 to 12 (including the Production cast). He shared his inspiring story and gave some wonderful words of wisdom.


What a privilege!


An unforgettable memory was created for all the students (and staff) and for that I am very grateful.


 “It was really inspiring to listen to someone with such knowledge and experience and really gave me that boost of motivation, positivity and excitement I was beginning to lose. It's helped me feel a little more in control of my auditions and provided me with a bit of stability for the industry”. Phoebe Lock (Year 12)


I would like to thank and acknowledge Ms Lucy Angell organising this event and for giving these students such wonderful memories!


What a wonderful way end Term 3.

Data warning: Video runs for 46 minutes 06 seconds.


(My apologies that this recording was not done in Speaker View, and was delayed starting. As the teacher organising and supporting students, I stayed on Gallery view and forgot that was how it would record! Enjoy regardless - Michael is in the top left corner throughout the recording. ~ Lucy Angell)

2020 Berthe Mouchette Competition

This year the Year 11 & 12 participants in the Berthe Mouchette competition are very pleasing.


The Year 12 class performed so well that a third of the class participated in the finals.


Thank you to Annette Reid and Cedric Chamontin for their encouragement and guidance. 


We wish all the students bonne chance and final results will be known on Thursday 22 October.


Congratulations to the following Year 11s and Year 12s finalists. 


Year 11

Manasi Deshpande
Mathilda Groud
Alisa Sharkova
Jaime Tyzack
Manasi Deshpande
Mathilda Groud
Alisa Sharkova
Jaime Tyzack

Manasi Deshpande (oral exam finalist), Mathilda Groud (oral exam finalist), Alisa Sharkova (oral exam finalist) and Jaime Tyzack (oral exam finalist).


Year 12 

George Dimitrakas
Liam Dixon
Naomi Kricheli
Owen Lancelot
Imi Nelson
Hannah Nishikubo
Sakura Nonaka
Talia Raman
George Dimitrakas
Liam Dixon
Naomi Kricheli
Owen Lancelot
Imi Nelson
Hannah Nishikubo
Sakura Nonaka
Talia Raman

George Dimitrakas (oral exam finalist), Liam Dixon (oral exam finalist), Naomi Kricheli (oral exam finalist), Owen Lancelot (oral exam finalist), Imi Nelson (oral exam finalist), Hannah Nishikubo (oral and written exam finalist), Sakura Nonaka (oral and written exam finalist) and Talia Raman (oral exam finalist). 

Music Performance

Instrumental Music has continued to bring us so much joy. Despite the adversity through COVID restrictions I thank and acknowledge Music and Instrumental Music staff who continue to help our students practice and experience fun and tremendous learning through music and then, of course, sharing the joy with us. Showcasing talent has continued at McKinnon. The links are below. It is indeed food for our soul.

  • Mr Martin West

Half Hour Ditty performed by The McKinnon Saxophone Quartet

  • Mr Dmitry Serebrianik

Sailing on the High Seas performed by The Year 9 Brass Ensemble

  • Mr Baltazar Kurowski

Swallow Tail performed by The Year 8 Strings 


Studio Arts – Heide Museum of Modern Art Photography Challenge

Tamar Zehavi
Tamar Zehavi

In the last newsletter I mentioned Tamar Zehavi (Year 11) who is undertaking Year 12 Studio Art and has her stunning portraiture series exhibited as part of the ‘Heide at Home’ photography challenge.


Congratulations to Tamar who has won this challenge. There was a competitive field and terrific acknowledgement of a very talented artist. Well done Tamar!

Again I thank the community for their support and understanding. I wish everyone a well earned rest.


This adversity has forced us to make many changes but we will keep going forward.


Enjoy the term break!