From the Principal's Desk

Janine Kinninment - Principal

School Development Day tomorrow 

Friday 29th May- No students at school

Staff will participating in online learning tomorrow. We have leased new iPads for students and are looking forward to the iPad arriving in our school. In the meantime, staff are participating in learning how to make the most of this technology as a tool in classrooms. A number of staff have been coached in Term 1 or 2 and will be presenting to staff on how to use technology in innovative ways. This includes using iPad apps such as iMovie, green screens, our new Interactive White Board software and Apple productivity software. We will also be participating in our newly purchased online software called Click View via video conferencing. 

Enrolments 2021

Enrolments for 2021 will be commencing from next week. Parent/carers will need to book an appointment for the enrolment process by calling Reception. Please see further on in our newsletter for more information. Ms Leece has organised a new banner for enrolments this year based on our Behaviour Expectations. I’m sure you’ll agree that it looks great. Our banner will be displayed on Pinetree Gully Road next week.


Pick up/drop off

Thank you to parents/carers for your support in dropping off/collecting your child. The procedure of parent/carers not entering the school ground and phoning Reception is still in place. The times Reception is contacted due to a child forgetting an item such as their lunchbox is beginning to decrease. I urge families to now concentrate on helping your child to be independent in knowing what day they need special items eg library bag for library day 


Early Childhood Carpark pick up/drop off

Our main entrance in the Early Childhood Carpark double gates is going smoothly. To further increase the independence of our students we will commence staff welcoming our students at this gate a little later (from 8:30am) from next week. The gate will continue to be opened at 8:15am for students who arrive early to enter and make their way unassisted to the undercover area before going to class at 8:30am. The afternoon gate will be opened at 2:50pm for students with siblings to leave through unassisted. Staff will be at the gate to say goodbye to students following the siren at 3:00pm. 

Kindergarten students will continue to have staff to assist them enter the gate near Room 14 from 8:30-8:45am before students make their own way to their classroom. Pick up for Kindergarten students continues to be from 2:50pm from this gate.


Castlereagh Close pick up/drop off

Our Castlereagh Close entrance is beginning to flow a little smoother for drop off and pick up in this congested place. I thank parent/carers for driving slowly in this area as many students are crossing carpark entrances.


If you choose to enter into the Castlereagh Close carpark you are now requested to remain in your car.

 Staff will be on hand to assist students to enter/ exit this carpark safely. Please follow the signals of all staff who are recognisable in high visibility vests.  If you wish to get out of your car you will need to use the verge parking areas instead. If there is no parking available on the road side, you will need to drive on to the shopping centre to park or the kiss and ride on Pinetree Gully Road.


Reporting Semester 1

Staff are working together on Semester 1 Reports. Reports will be sent home in Week 10, Monday 29th June via Connect for Pre-Primary to Year 6. Classroom teachers will be providing a progress statement for English and Maths. They will also provide a general statement. As grades A-E will not be given in any areas there will be no position report available at this time.


Our specialist subjects will have a different look and will not be included in the Semester 1 reporting format. Specialist teachers will be providing year levels they teach with an overview of the skills students have been working on if they had completed Learning from Home or work in class for the given subject. This information will be placed onto the subject area specialist CONNECT page in Week 10.


Kindergarten Reports will be sent home as a paper version in a modified format on the day a Kindergarten student attends in Week 10.


We will advise our school community what will happen regarding parent interviews closer to the end of the term.