Ethan Nikcevich.
Being at home made me appreciate the fact that I have a home. How do people without a home still work? Some hard things about iso were not seeing my friends and family. We dealt with this by doing zoom calls with my nana, grandpa, uncle and aunty. I was most worried about not getting enough work done in a day butthat’s where I was wrong. One of the days I finished my work by 9.30!
I liked it when I finished my work early because it meant I had more time to do what I wanted.
I kept myself occupied by going outside when it was a nice day to play some basketball. If is was a cold day, after finishing my work I would watch Disney plus. Some good things to come out of iso was getting to wear my pyjamas all day and eating whenever I was hungry.
I also found out about myself and that I am pretty good at DIY stuff, as my dad and I built a cage for my sister’s rabbit.
I am hoping I can keep my skill of typing fast and getting into my work quickly.