Learning and Teaching
Celebriamo Italiano!
In Italian at Corpus Christi school, the children are immersed in the Italian language through instructions, stories, activities and songs. In Prep to Year 2, they are encouraged to make connections between English and Italian and use the Italian language in creative and meaningful tasks. From Year 3 to Year 6, they participate in tasks that build interest and capabilities in the Italian language. The focus for Italian lessons is drawn from the Inquiry unit the children are focused on in their learning communities.
Over the last 6 weeks all children have engaged in Italian lessons with Signora Anderson via our Google Classrooms. Signora Anderson models the vocabulary for the children and the children apply it to the activity they are set. We wanted to share some of the fantastic learning the children have been doing at home from across Corpus Christi.
Prep - Gli Animali
Over Term 2, the Preps have been learning animal names in Italian. They have engaged in various activities to practice applying their new language. Most recently they focused on what animals eat? Cosa mangiano gli animali? They learnt that foods for our pets can be broken up into 3 groups - vegetables - verdure, meat - carne, and both vegetables and meat - tutti e due. They needed to draw pictures of things that animals eat.
Year 1 and 2 - il Mondo
Year 1/2 have been learning about our world. Recently they focused on the care our world needs. Some new language for them was:
- If we look after the world… La Terra is Sana ( Healthy ).
- If we don’t look after the world… La Terra is Malata ( Sick/Unhealthy ).
The children needed to create a picture that shows both a Sana side and Malata side and label three things on both sides of the pictures.
Year 3 and 4 - Mio Mondo
Year 3/4 have been busy learning new words in Italian about the places in their community. They have built up their new vocabulary lists each week. Some of the words they have learnt are
- Scuola - School
- Parco - Park
- Dottore/ Medico - Doctor
- Negozi - Shops
- Biblioteca - Library
- Casa - Home
For this activity the children needed to pick 4 places and identify 3 things they might see there. They had to write these in Italian.
Year 5 and 6 - Spazio
Year 5/6 have been learning about space. Over the term, they have been introduced to vocabulary to help them name places in space. In the last few weeks, the children had to write short sentences in Italian. They were given a sentence starter and needed to complete it using descriptive language. Signora Anderson provided the children with a template and structure as support.
Thank you to Parents
Lastly, a big thank you to all our parents for supporting the children over the term. Well done for those of you whose children are returning to onsite learning and keep up the amazing effort to those who have another few weeks left with your child learning at home.
Deborah Courtney
Director of Teaching and Learning