Language News
Term 2 2020
Language News
Term 2 2020
Hello to all Dromana College Language students and families. Term 2 has been very challenging, but we are so proud of how well you have handled it.
We would like to welcome two new teachers to our Language Department. With Miss Krieger going on Maternity Leave, we have Miss Polatidis and Mr Stephens joining the junior team.
Our junior Japanese students have been working hard at home and using their creativity to make kanji and hiragana characters out of materials from home. Here are some of their amazing creations.
Online Learning- Feedback from students
Ouchi Jikan おうちじかん Which means stay home/ home time |
Over the last few weeks, we have had a number of students compete in the online world-wide Language Championships. Dromana College competed against students from all over the world. Out of the 2155 schools that competed, Dromana finished 45th, and in Victoria alone we finished 9th. The Indonesian students should be especially proud as their combined efforts enabled Dromana College to win the Indonesian category for all of Australia!
Chloe Hildebrand, Year 8 was the highest-ranking individual student and she was awarded the Elite Award.
The following students: May Lawrence Yr8, Jamie Burnett Yr12, Tenisha Ellis Yr12, Ethan Isbister Yr12, Charlee Eckman Yr8 and Leonardo Buttaci Yr7, all received individual excellence Emerald Awards.