Principal's Report

Term 2   2020


Term 2 has been an unprecedented experience and we warmly welcomed  our students back to on site learning. I would like to thank Dromana College staff for going above and beyond in providing students with continuity in learning remotely and our students for their continued studies in such unique and unusual circumstances.


Dromana College has been moving onward and upward with the development of our new school website which features a virtual school tour and I am very excited to share with you our new building project which is a most welcome addition to our College. 


Local member of parliament Chris Brayne has put forward correspondence for our Dromana College community.

Hi everyone,

With the end of term 2 quickly upon us, I would like to wish all staff, students and parents a safe and happy school holidays. It has been a challenging term due to the implementation of remote learning, and I want to thank parents for doing an outstanding job teaching students from home, and thank all Dromana College teachers who had to adapt to remote teaching. 


During term 2, I was delighted to receive regular updates from Principal Marr about the progress of the new $2.36 million building funded by the State Government last year. I am ecstatic that this building is now open and I cannot wait to visit with Principal Marr and students in term 3. This investment will make such a difference for our students at Dromana College. Having seen the photos, the building looks incredible!



Until then, have a safe school holidays and enjoy the break!

Chris Brayne

Member for Nepean

Please have a look at the details below. 


Important Parent Information

Accident Insurance Cover for Students 

Some school activities and physical education, particularly contact sports, carry inherent risks of injury. Parents are advised that the Department of Education and Training does not have Student Accident Insurance cover for students. Therefore, if your child is injured at school as a result of an accident or incident, all costs associated with the injury, including medical costs is the responsibility of the child, parent or caregiver. Some incidental medical costs may be covered from Medicare. If parents have private health insurance, some costs may also be covered through your private health insurance. Any other costs would be borne by the parents. Student Accident Insurance is an insurance policy that pays certain benefits should your child have an accident. It is a personal decision for parents which type and level of private insurance they purchase. An approved insurance broker should be contacted if you have any questions about insurance cover.


Personal Goods 

Personal property is often brought to school by students, staff and visitors. This can include mobile phones, calculators, toys, sporting equipment and cars parked on school premises. The DE&T does not hold insurance for personal property brought to schools and it has no capacity to pay for any loss or damage to such property.