Wellbeing Officer

Caring Casseroles

Hello lovely Weeden Heights families,


As many of you are already aware, here at Weeden Heights we run a support system called Caring Casseroles.  It’s such a wonderful opportunity to be able to love on each other in a practical way.  An initiative like this one enables us to band together and support each other through both the good times and those that are not so good.  


The Caring Casseroles rotation is a group of parents who are willing to make meals on a rolling roster type system so that when a family in our community is in need, then a lovingly prepared meal can be delivered to them to make their lives that little bit easier for a day.  


If you or your child has a heart for others, and you enjoy being able to care in a practical way, then this is a great chance for you to be a part of a great team to do just that!


All you need to do, is express your interest and I’ll put you on the rolling roster to cook a meal every now and then.  We can then pop it in the school freezer ready to give at the appropriate time.


Such a small action makes a huge difference in the life of a family and it really shows our children there is a whole bunch of people who care for them.  It is also a great opportunity to get your children involved in finding a place in the community that makes a positive impact in the lives of people around them.


If this sounds like you and/or your child could please let me know as soon as possible.


Warmest regards,



Wellbeing officer




Please include my name in the rotation for the caring casserole support program at Weeden Heights Primary School:




Contact Number:__________________________________________________



Child at WHPS: ____________________________________  Class: ________