Boarding News

Dear Parents and Friends,


Happy Champagnat week to you all! 


Each year in June, we spend some time acknowledging and celebrating the life of Saint Marcellin Champagnat. Like many of our Boarders, Marcellin grew up on a farm. He was one of 9 children and his family lived a simple, peasant lifestyle. Marcellin learned the basics of farming and developed skills in carpentry and masonry, he even possessed entrepreneurial talent, raising and selling lambs which funded his initial entrance into the Seminary. Marcellin made slow progress as a student, his limited education meant he genuinely struggled with academia, but he also lacked some focus. He was known to be a regular at taverns with a group of fellow seminarians.


The patience of his superiors and the prayers of his mother were eventually rewarded when Marcellin settled into his second year at the seminary. He found a renewed energy for his studies and worked tirelessly to improve in all areas. It was only through determination and hard work over many years, that he was able to complete his studies and become a priest.


It was these experiences in Marcellin’s formative years that heavily influenced his educational philosophy. Education is for all and all should be afforded the opportunity to access it, especially those most disadvantaged in society. Learning requires persistence and dedication from the student. Students must meet their teachers halfway by genuinely wanting to learn, and teachers must inspire a love of learning in their students. Good teaching and teaching that extended well beyond the classroom was a great passion of Marcellin’s. This was matched only by his personal witness of faith and deep-seeded reliability on Mary our Good Mother. 


As Marist people, we seek inspiration from this story, and we are challenged. Marcellin’s work is as relevant, necessary and alive today, as it was 200 years ago. This is an immense responsibility for educators in the Marist tradition and one we are privileged to share in.


Ad Jesum per Mariam.

Mr Max Spencer

Director of Boarding



Senior Boarding

The last fortnight has been a busy one for the students, and we are seeing some normality come back to the College in this challenging time. The Seniors were happy to see the return of the Years 7-10 Boarders during the week and have already been interacting with them. We have continued with our Sunday night prayer service, which this week included singing. It was great to hear the boy’s voices again, even though it was only the Senior students that we got to hear. Thanks to Mr Halaifonua and Mr Malone for the organisation of this weekend’s service. Furthermore, normality has been seen with Assessment Tasks beginning to fall due and tutors being kept busy in study assisting the students.


The boys would no doubt be ready for Rugby to commence. Mr Bullock has been putting them through some gruelling fitness sessions on the weekends. This weekend saw a ‘round-robin’ of the whole boarding cohort completing fitness, Oz Tag and skills drills. 



I am proud to announce that our Gaming Room has been completed. Launched last weekend it has been booked out during opening hours on the weekends. Thanks to our College Maintenance team for organising all the work on this room. A great asset that will provide entertainment to the students for years to come.


Rugby League

It is great to see Rugby League back on the TV and the Senior Boys have got a weekend of viewing coming up. The Senan House Footy Tipping Competition is back underway. Alec McDonnell is the clear leader after Round 3.


Long Weekend

Just a reminder that students can head home this weekend. Please ensure that your leave has been submitted through Boardingware.


Mr Luke Morrissey

Senior Boarding Coordinator (Years 11 & 12)




Junior Boarding  

Happy Pentecost week to our boarding families,

It has been wonderful this past week having the boys back on the hill. The Years 9 & 10 boys have resumed their face-to-face learning and have taken to it with flying colours. For three days straight they presented no red stamps in their diaries, showing the adjustment back to school has been seamless.They have also had to adjust to new restrictions over at the boarding house which most have done without any issues at all.Life up on the hill is a bit different, as it is in all of Australia in this current pandemic. However, the boys have football fields, tennis courts, cricket nets, basketball courts and even electronic devices (with unlimited WIFI) to keep them well entertained. Not to mention they are also finally back with their boarding friends and are able to have face to face conversations, group chats and do activities together. 


Last Saturday we ran mini training sessions where all boarders rotated through some Rugby Union skills, a game of OzTag and some fitness sessions with myself! This was a great opportunity for us all to be together again and have some fun, along with sweating it out under the beautiful Autumn sun. 


Finally, the boys have had a busy week with their half yearly assessments being completed. They have completed double study each night to prepare as best as possible for these assessments and hopefully  the hard work will pay off and they will get some great results. 


I hope all families have adjusted well to not having their boys home! Rest assured they have had a great week and there have been plenty of smiles and happiness being back with their friends and settling into their studies. 


Michael Bullock 

Junior Boarding Coordinator (Years 9 & 10) 

Junior Boarding  - Years 7 & 8

The boys completed a successful first week back at the College. Week 5 presented many changes to life in Boarding, particularly the measures put in place to emphasise personal and community hygiene. This is a daily reminder for the boys to take responsibility for their own health by constantly washing their hands and checking in at the Health Centre with the College Nurse.


We are fortunate to have excellent teachers at St Gregory’s College. This was evident during the isolation and remote learning period and I know that our boys are grateful to be back in the classroom experiencing face to face learning. There is much work to catch up on and the team and I are working closely with the boys.


Years 7 & 8 participated in many physical activities throughout the week; the ‘Bronco’ challenge entailed a series of shuttle runs and a recorded time for personal improvement. The ‘Mr Halaifonua Special’ saw the boys complete 100 repetitions of 4 different exercises to test their strength and endurance. The week concluded with a rotation of activities that included Oztag, Tug of War, a tackling drill (using the Rugby tackle bags) and Mr Bullock’s fitness challenge.


Week 5 was successful and the boys experienced a whole range of activities. It’s pleasing to see the boys thriving together and catching up on time lost during the isolation period. On a spiritual note, the Valens Team and I have been focusing on gratitude. It’s essential during these times that we magnify the things that we are grateful for, with the hope that it will inspire us and others. Pope Francis suggests that ‘gratitude is a characteristic trait of the heart visited by the Holy Spirit’. This is a timely message as we celebrate the Feast of Pentecost as a Church.


Pax tecum

Mr Tevita Halaifonua

Junior Boarding Coordinator (Years 7 & 8)



Exciting additions!

Here are some photos of our new Health Centre and Gaming Room. We are also currently completing the renovation of Alfred House and work is about to commence on the renovation of the bathrooms in our parent accommodation at Badgally House.


Air conditioning is also being installed in every Boarding House which will be a welcome relief in the extremes of winter and summer. This will also add great value and increase demand in the hiring of our facilities to visiting groups such as NRL and Super Rugby teams. 


Thanks to Mr MacMaster for his commitment to these projects and the dedication of funds to improve our boarding facilities for many years to come.