Students of the week

Year 7  - James Ross

James has shown a great deal of persistence and dedication to his work throughout remote learning. It has been great to see the resilience that James has shown to continue persevering in what has been a challenging time. Well done James, you have done a great job!


Year 8 - Grace Hodgson

Grace has been very consistent during the remote learning period in all of her subjects. She has attended all Webex sessions offered and participated appropriately. She has completed all learning tasks to the best of her ability, Grace takes her own education seriously, possessing the qualities of a truly academic student. Well done Grace!





Year 9 - Kiah Galletti

Kiah has done an amazing job in PE and Health during the remote learning period. She has handed in all work and completed tasks to a very high standard. Kiah attended every Webex class for Maths and completed and submitted all the set tasks on time. In history she has contributed to finding answers during Webex sessions. Kiah is well organised and it has been great to see her completing all tasks to a very good standard.


Year 10 - Connor Hogg

Ms Ryder-Barnes nominated  Connor for his commitment to Year 10 Media this term.  Connor has attended every WebEx and is a great contributor and support for students. He asks for help, encourages others and brings a wicked sense of humour to our classes. We have created a very strong bond within our class and Connor has been a key player in making that happen. Nice work Connor!!

 Mrs Morley has also been impressed by

 Connor's willingness to extend his cook skills in Food Technology during Remote Learning.


Year 11 - Damian Mullens

During Remote Learning, Damian stayed connected with his teachers, attended Webex conferences and worked in an organised manner to get all work submitted promptly. Well done Damian.


Year 12 -Rosie Ferguson

Rosie has maintained an organised approach to remote learning, contributing to Webex meetings and completing all learning tasks. She has shown resilience and motivation in the face of uncertainty and is to be commended for her management of her learning during this challenging time. Excellent work, Rosie!