Remote Learning Staff

Staff Portraits

Whilst the Coronavirus has caused serious issues worldwide, it has also brought about some soul searching and creativity. As people were forced to stay home, many have reignited their passion for the arts. At Healesville High School, the virus has also led to an enhanced sense of teamwork with many positive activities building the bonds between us. 

When it came time for me to create a team building exercise, I chose the arts. My own children have been learning from home and one of their tasks was to create a self-portrait. 

My son saw his head filled with Beyblades and his newly developed love for the number eight.

My daughter saw herself in a colourful floral dress and had her eyes correctly placed in the middle of her head.

 I was inspired by their visions and started drawing more myself. For me, the logical team building activity was portraits that challenged our lifelong learners and paid homage to our team members.

Nella Lithgow by Emma Lumsden
Nella Lithgow by Emma Lumsden
Shane Coady by Karl Fritzlaff
Shane Coady by Karl Fritzlaff

I think you will agree that the results are spectacular. We have so many talented artists, many of whom had kept their skills hidden from view. We have people who were willing to take a chance, experimenting with different formats and learning new skills. We also see the positive relationship between staff members at Healesville High School as artists showed their appreciation for their subjects. 

Laura Mitchell by Lisa Mathieson
Laura Mitchell by Lisa Mathieson
Kerry Davies by Scott Fisher
Kerry Davies by Scott Fisher
Karl Fritzlaff by Maidi Mitchell
Karl Fritzlaff by Maidi Mitchell
Jad Gardner by Nella Lithgow
Jad Gardner by Nella Lithgow
Kerry Davies by Danny Zemp
Kerry Davies by Danny Zemp
Emma Lumsden by Kerry Davies
Emma Lumsden by Kerry Davies
David LLoyd by Chey Huges
David LLoyd by Chey Huges
Chey Huges by Jad Garner
Chey Huges by Jad Garner
Lisa Mathieson by Laura Mitchell
Lisa Mathieson by Laura Mitchell
Scott Fisher by Shane Coady
Scott Fisher by Shane Coady


I would like to thank all of the artists and subjects for participating in the virtual exhibition. We hope to physically display them for you at some socially acceptable time in the not too distant future. I know our staff members have loved seeing the images and occasionally working out who the subject was. I hope you enjoy looking at them and maybe get the inspiration to chance your artistic arm. 

Scott Fisher

Junior School Leader