5 Questions

The questions

  1. Summer or winter?
  2. If you were an animal what would you be?
  3. Mr Rennick is coming over for dinner, what are you going to make him?
  4. If you owned a shop what would you sell?
  5. Life without bacon or life without chocolate?

Mr Ned

  1. Winter
  2. A big dog- one that is well looked after
  3. Something that isn’t spicy and a small serving because Mr Rennick doesn’t like eating
  4. Whiskey and Brandy
  5. Bacon

P.S. Mr Ned celebrated his 60th birthday this week. Happy birthday, Mr Ned!








Nathan Pye

  1. Winter
  2. A bird
  3. Mac n Cheese
  4. The freshest food around
  5. Chocolate

Sasha Chandler

  1. Summer
  2. An eagle
  3. Stir fry
  4. Something similar to the Reject Shop
  5. Bacon


  1. Summer
  2. A dog
  3. Roast beef with Yorkshire pudding, with all the trimmings
  4. Books
  5. Bacon

Daniel Cuthbertson

  1. Summer
  2. A cockatoo
  3. Steak and chips- medium rare
  4. Fruit
  5. Chocolate


Eve Burt

  1. Winter
  2. A cat
  3. Cabonara without bacon
  4. Chocolate- that way question five would never happen
  5. I’m a vegetarian and life without chocolate would never occur. I think I would be scared of what would happen without chocolate.