From the Principal's Desk

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Friday 14th September 5:00 pm to 9:00 pm
The PFA has organised a combined fundraiser and social event for our school community. Funds raised from this event will support Mr Anthony Hyde during this very difficult time.
Funtopia in Maidstone has been booked exclusively for Corpus Christi School for the evening of Friday 14th September from 5:00pm to 9:00pm. We encourage you all to come along in support of Mr Hyde and our school community. Mr Spriggins Cafe will be open for parents to purchase food and drinks and spend some time socializing with friends - old and new! The children can enjoy the evening jumping, playing and climbing to their hearts content!
Later this week you will receive details about how to purchase your tickets through our front office. We will also send home raffle tickets for you to purchase with great prizes on offer. The raffle will be drawn on the night.
Interschool Athletics Carnival
Tomorrow, Thursday 23rd August, 44 students from Years 3 - 6 will represent Corpus Christi School at the Interschool Footscray District Athletics Carnival. We wish all competitors well as they participate in this next stage of the school athletics program.
Fathers' Day Events
Breakfast and Footy Colours Day
Our Fathers’ Day Breakfast will be held next week on Friday 31st August from 7:30am until 8:45am. Breakfast will once again be hosted in the undercover area (unless the weather is horrible, in which case we will move it to the hall). And don’t forget to wear your Footy Colours to school - dads and children!
The menu will consist of:
- Bacon and Egg Rolls
- Fresh fruit
- Juice
Fathers' Day Stall
Following the Fathers' Day Breakfast, we will host our traditional Fathers’ Day Stall. There are many gifts to choose from ranging in price from $2.00 - $6.00. It is up to each family to decide what would be an appropriate amount to spend.
Please note that the Year 5/6 children who will be attending the Hoops Day on Friday August 24th will be able to make purchases on Thursday August 23rd.
These events don’t run without the support of our parent community. This week you would have received a CareMonkey notification asking for volunteers for the breakfast and the stall. It would be great if you could assist.
School Improvement Parent Surveys
Thank you to the parents who have completed their surveys either online or via the paper version. A reminder that if you did happen to receive a survey invitation, we would be really grateful if you could complete the survey (in either the paper copy or online version) by this Friday 24th August.
Have a wonderful week
God bless
Jane Wilkinson
Acting Principal