Student Wellbeing News
Respectful Relationships
One of the key elements to this program is promoting gender equality within our school communities. The most effective way to do this is to embed practices within teaching and learning, as well in the culture of the school. Research states that children learn gender norms between the ages of 5 and 7. It is therefore imperative that our classroom practices provide students with the opportunity to understand stereotypical views of gender so that we can equip them with the tools and knowledge to challenge them, both now and in the future.
This is a great video that identifies the impact that gender norms can have on a child's thinking, even from the youngest age.
Here is an update of the topics and units that each Learning Community is currently exploring:
Year Prep - Knowing how I feel
Year 1/2 - Labels are for jars, not people
Year 3/4 - Investigating gender roles through literature
Year 5/6 - Stressors, lifting the mood
Update from the Year 1/2 Community
In Wellbeing, we have been exploring personal preferences and identifying what we like to do in our spare time. We have been discussing our similarities and differences and celebrating our unique preferences. We have been writing diary entries and discussing how to tackle playground issues.