Careers Information


Members of our local community were invited to our fourth annual morning community breakfast at local business, Café Els at Warilla Grove. During the breakfast our guests were provided with an insight into what we do here at LIHS and staff talked in a relaxed atmosphere to build on developing relationships with local partners and businesses. It was an early start for 7:30 am but well worth the effort as we listened to Brittany Skeen, school captain of Year 12, who gave some insight into her background and why she chose to come to LIHS and explained her future dreams.


Local manager from Alphababies Warilla, Agnes Weisz, spoke about the LIHS connection with the Preschool. Our Exploring Early Childcare class volunteers at the centre and regular visits by the pre-schoolers to LIHS facilities has occurred now for the past four years. Agnes loves LIHS and will continue to strengthen the connection into the future.


I wish to thank the owner of Café Els, Matthew Elbayah, for allowing us to conduct the breakfast on his premises and providing excellent service, food and coffee. Matthew’s enthusiasm and positive approach to be connected to our school led to this opportunity and was a wonderful experience for all who attended.


The Community Breakfast was a team effort by staff at LIHS and again demonstrates how we as a school community can work so well together. We will continue to build upon the great work that happened at the community breakfast and will always show the amazing things that happen at LIHS to all that will hear. 


Two local events that LIHS students participated in for the the International Women’s Day on the 8th March were at Bluescope Illawarra and Shellharbour Council. Both events showcased inspiring stories about Women in different workforces as well as giving positive acknowledgement of what women can do.


The different students who attended these events had a wonderful time listening to strong and interesting women who had often overcome differences in culture, religion and race in order to be recognised and achieve to the best of their ability.

HIA Apprenticeship Information Day


A small group of students attended the first HIA Apprenticeship Information session at Shellharbour Club with Mr Dunkerley and Mrs Willingham. The students had an opportunity to talk to different providers and to listen to different pathways about how to get an apprenticeship and hear what employers expect.


The Q & A was very informative and one of the presenters John Geale, was a past student from LIHS. It was great to catch up and hear John’s story and since that meeting he has hosted one of our year 12 students for work experience and gave Drever Burdis a glowing report.


Seven mentors form University of Wollongong came to LIHS to talk to Yr 8 students about career futures and had fun activities and discussions. with our students. Year 8 was divided into four classes and the UOW mentors explored different options and careers available to them. In2uni is a program that Lake Illawarra HS has been in association with the university where conversations are developed earlier on helping students in making career decisions. Thank you UOW for a successful lesson at LIHS.​



The Career Expo is on again for 2019. It will be held at the Illawarra Sports Stadium, Hooka Creek Road Berkeley. High school students from across the region will be attending sessions and Year 10 and 12 students from Lake Illawarra High School are booked in to attend on TUESDAY 7TH MAY. Permission notes have been distributed and the cost to travel to the expo is $7.


Members of the public are also invited to attend the Parent Session on Tuesday 7th May between 2 and 4 pm.


The Expo is a great opportunity for students to seek out hundreds of career options and speak to the variety of representatives all in one place. TAFE, universities, apprenticeship centre and the defence force are only but a few of the organisations in attendance. Please make sure students don’t miss out on this great event.


Facebook site for the Expo is:

Lake Illawarra High Careers Website

A useful website that is used by Year 10 -12 students to access current information to assist in future directions, career planning, general information, job vacancies and newsletters. Facebook is also added to this website so students can like the page and get prompts for job vacancies, special events and current careers information. All caregivers are also welcome to access the site and find useful information. The link is or you can simply type in Lake Illawarra High Careers in any search engine.