Principal's Message
Message from Mrs Paula Hambly
Term 1 has flown by with so much happening and so many opportunities for all of our students. We have welcomed a number of new students and this will allow us to implement a 5th class in the primary school in term 2.
Last week saw our whole school cross country carnival, a first for us and a great success. Thank you to all the helpers who made this possible and to all the students who gave it their best to complete their respective courses. It is events like this where our senior students can provide support and assistance to our younger students and be positive role models. I was a very proud Principal watching this in action and seeing our students embracing our core values of respect, responsibility and participation.
Secondary Parent Teacher Interviews are being held tomorrow afternoon in the school library. Bookings are open until 2pm Tuesday afternoon. Login details were sent home with the eldest child or you may ring the office to make a booking.
This Friday our teachers will be working on ways to make learning visible and devising more strategies to support our students to see success in their learning. We will share these ideas with our school community in term 2.
We have received positive feedback from our recent situational analysis and the recommendations will be presented to the P and C at their next meeting.
I wish everyone a safe holiday and look forward to seeing as many school community members as possible in full school uniform at the local ANZAC Day celebrations on the 25 April. We will be sure to send out a reminder on the Skoolbag app as it comes closer to remind you that all students are welcome and encouraged to march with the school.
Happy holidays. See you all back on Monday 29 April 2019.
Parent Information
- Students are not permitted on school grounds before 8.30am or after 3.30pm, as per the Inclosed Lands Act, this is to ensure the safety of our students as no supervision is provided outside of these hours.
- If parents are on school grounds between 9.00am and 3.00pm they are required to sign in at the office.
- Infants/Primary students are supervised from 8.30am and are to remain in the Infants/Primary COLA assembly area. Parents and students are not to be in the classrooms/hallways as these areas are not supervised.
- Student pick up of an afternoon is at 3.00pm and therefore parents are requested to enter the school grounds no earlier than 2.50pm.
- Students are not to ride bikes or scooters in the school grounds at any time.
- Students are to wear helmets at all times when riding bikes or scooters.
Boorowa Central School Fees for 2019
The Voluntary School Contribution remains at $40 per child. This is considerably lower than most other schools in our area. Whilst this is a voluntary fee we would ask that as many families as possible pay this amount to assist with our running costs.
The Secondary Course Fees for Electives are compulsory. These fees must be paid by Week 10 Term 1 or your child will be asked to select a non-fee paying elective. These fees enable us to purchase equipment and other necessary items to enable the course to be successfully delivered. Once again these fees are considerably lower than most schools in our area.
Fees can be paid at the front office with cash or cheque or online via our website:
Click on the Make a Payment tab.
I thank you for your support in meeting these obligations.
Whooping Cough
Whooping cough (also called pertussis) began increasing across NSW towards the end of 2018, especially in children between the ages of 5 and 14 years. NSW Health anticipates that this increase will continue into 2019.
School-aged children who are infected with whooping cough usually experience a troubling cough that can persist for months, but they rarely get severe illness. However they can spread the infection to younger siblings and other more vulnerable people, who are at higher risk of severe disease. Whooping cough can be a life threatening infection in babies.
What can you do to prevent whooping cough?
- Make sure vaccinations are up to date for all family members
- Be alert for symptoms of whooping cough
- Keep coughing children home, to prevent them spreading the infection to others, and see your GP to get them tested for whooping cough
For more information on Whooping Cough and vaccination visit the NSW Health Website(