Careers News

Google Code-in 2019

Pre-university students ages 13 to 17 are invited to take part in Google Code-in: Our global, online contest introducing teenagers to the world of open source development. With a wide variety of bite-sized tasks, it’s easy for beginners to jump in and get started no matter what skills they have.


Mentors from our participating organisations lend a helping hand as participants learn what it’s like to work on an open source project. Participants get to work on real software and win prizes from t-shirts to a trip to Google HQ!


The competition opens on Tuesday 3 December 2019 and runs until Friday 24 January 2020.


Find out more here.

iCanMed | Free UCAT Workshop, Melbourne

14 December 2019, 12:30 pm - 3:30 pm

CQUniversity Melbourne


Medical and dental schools are continually finding new ways to identify the candidates who are most likely to become successful health professionals in the future. The UCAT (University Clinical Aptitude Test) is the latest addition to the selection process used by thirteen universities in Australia and New Zealand. Some universities weight your UCAT score just as heavily as your ATAR when deciding on final offers, while others won’t even give you an interview offer unless you achieved a UCAT score in the top 10% of the cohort. This means that doing well in the UCAT is a make-or-break for prospective candidates.


This workshop will address all the must-know information you need to effectively prepare for the UCAT. If you want to receive the insights, experience and expertise that will help you get ahead of the competition, this is a workshop that you cannot afford to miss.

In this 3-hour workshop, we will:

  • Discuss the methods/formulas that medical and dental schools use to select top candidates
  • Highlight all of the critical mistakes that students made when preparing for and sitting the 2019 UCAT
  • Offer game-changing strategies that helped almost 400 iCanMed students score 3000+ (96th percentile or above) on the 2019 UCAT
  • Sit a mini mock exam that contains questions with the same difficulty, format and style as those found in the official 2019 UCAT
  • Teach the correct methods to solve major Section 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 question types, with a focus on achieving top speeds without compromising accuracy

Find out more click here.  

Chisholm TAFE | Intensive Interview Training Workshop

19 December 2019, 10:00 am - 12:30 pm

Chisholm TAFE 311 Lonsdale Campus


Have you been to multiple job interviews without any success in gaining employment? The Chisholm Skills and Jobs Centre is here to assist!


In this Intensive Interview Training Workshop, we will be providing:

  • Comprehensive practical assistance with interview techniques
  • Interview role plays and demonstrations
  • A simulated “employer experience” where you can practise applying your interview skills in a “speed interviewing” setting

Find out more click here

Career Insights:  Monthly Digital Workshop

19 December 2019, 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm



Join us for a monthly interactive workshop where we cover various economic and technology trends as they impact your career.


This month’s topic is “How to increase your value and worth in less than a year”.

Find out more here.  

Engineering Quiz

With so many different types of engineering available to you, it can be hard to decide which one is best for you.  Take the RMIT interactive quiz to discover which engineering courses or double degrees are matched to you. We also have the new Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) course for students to be introduced to a wide range engineering in first year before specializing.

Melissa Dillon and Robyn Cardamone

Careers & VET Coordinators