Arts & Technology News
Textiles during Headstart
The rollover from the 2019 classes to next year’s 2020 ones provides a unique opportunity for outgoing students to showcase their work to their peers just starting out in Textiles. In turn, having this opportunity provides valuable insight and motivation to those just beginning their design journey.
Already the students have launched themselves into their first design challenge of making a themed, hand-sewn felt sewing accessory. Novelty pin cushions, needle cases and novelty pattern weights are popular choices. Whilst this year’s theme is ‘Bugs and Insects’, previous themes have included Cacti Gardens and, Food and Sporting Goods. This simple task provides invaluable experience by taking students through each stage of the design process and building student’s confidence with practical skills. This knowledge and skill acquisition is then be applied to assessment tasks that commence in Week 4 of the course, the commencement of the new calendar year.
At the same time as students begin working through the stages of the design process, they also learn the parts of the sewing machine by completing simple exercises in operating and controlling them. We look forward to next year’s Art, Design & Technology Exhibition where, items from the creative class of 2020 will be exhibited.
Ms A. Marschner
Textiles Teacher - Cranbourne Campus